Chapter 2493 Slap in the face

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's impolite manner, Ge Yu's dissatisfaction with Lu Xiaoxiao grew stronger in his heart, but he is an adult, and it's not good for him to argue with such a trivial matter with a child, so he had no choice but to suppress his dissatisfaction. Followed behind Lu Xiaoxiao and walked towards the gray cat.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to him, the gray cat said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, Ge Yu's Wooden Cang Technique is very powerful. You don't need to use water in the assessment later, just use your strength to hit Ge Yu in the face."

   "I see, I didn't intend to release the water in the first place."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the gray cat gave Ge Yu a sympathetic look. He had never seen a person who was targeted by Lu Xiaoxiao retreat unscathed.

  So Ge Yu is asking for more blessings.

"Grey cat, what are you and Lu Xiaoxiao muttering about there? Now that the assessment level has been set, let's start quickly. We have to train in a while." Ge Yu came to Gray Cat and Lu Xiaoxiao After standing still not far away, he said to the gray cat.

   After hearing what Ge Yu said, the gray cat looked at Lu Xiaoxiao, and when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao nodded to him, he announced the start of the assessment.

  After the assessment was over fifteen minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao handed the wooden bin in her hand to Gray Cat, then walked up to Ge Yu, and asked Ge Yu, "Am I eligible to enter the shooting range?"

  Ge Yu finally recovered from the shock after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then he nodded to Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "You are qualified to enter the shooting range."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao heard a satisfactory answer from Ge Yu, she smiled slightly, and then asked the gray cat: "Gray cat, is there a moving target in the shooting range?"

   "Yes, but moving targets are very difficult. Are you sure you want to shoot moving targets?"


   "Then I'll take you there." After the gray cat finished speaking, he took Lu Xiaoxiao to the place where the moving target was shot.

  Ge Yu saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was going to shoot a moving target, so he ignored the next training and followed Lu Xiaoxiao towards the moving target.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to the place where the moving targets were shot, she looked around and was quite satisfied with the place, so she said to the gray cat, "Help me arrange it. I want to shoot some moving targets."

  The gray cat nodded after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he went to arrange various matters for Lu Xiaoxiao to shoot moving targets.

   After the gray cat left, Ge Yu leaned over to Lu Xiaoxiao, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Can you tell me how I can achieve the same success as you?"



   "Why do you say?"

"I do not know."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was completely speechless after hearing Ge Yu's words. She didn't even know how to describe Ge Yu. She had never seen such a single-minded person like Ge Yu.

   Fortunately, Ge Yu works in Zhang Xu's base. If Ge Yu works in other places, he will definitely be taught to be a man every minute.

   "Tell me why you can't?" Ge Yu asked Lu Xiaoxiao anxiously when he saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was silent.

   "Because I don't like you, this reason is enough."

   "What do you think is not pleasing to me?"

   "Nowhere is pleasing to the eye, so I'm not going to tell you how to do it right."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ge Yu's whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost. Although he was not good-looking, he had never disliked his appearance. Hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words now, he I started to hate my looks.

  If he was more good-looking, maybe Lu Xiaoxiao would have liked him, and would have told him how to achieve perfect accuracy.

  (end of this chapter)

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