Chapter 2497 Insist on chasing dreams

"eat together."

   "No, I'll just eat stewed beef. This plate of dumplings is just enough for you to eat."

After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu stopped being polite to the little girl, because the little girl never treats himself badly when it comes to eating, so the little girl really didn't want to eat it, so he picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth .

  Seeing that Zhang Xu started eating dumplings, Lu Xiaoxiao picked up a steamed bun, broke the steamed bun from the middle, put two pieces of stewed beef between the steamed buns, and started eating.

  After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu washed the dishes together, and then they sat face to face and drank tea.

  After she finished drinking a cup of tea, she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, do you know Ge Yu?"

   "I know, he made things difficult for you?"

   "How did you know he would make things difficult for me?"

   "Character dictates."

   "It seems that you know a lot about Ge Yu."

   "His wooden barn method is good, so I checked him."

   "I also heard from Gray Cat that his wooden barn technique is good, but unfortunately his level of education is too low, otherwise his wooden barn technique would definitely be improved."

   "Are you here as a lobbyist?"

   "Yes and no, Ge Yu is a good seedling. If you train it well, it will become a sharp knife in your hand."

Zhang Xu thought for a while after hearing what the little girl said, and he knew what the little girl meant, so he said to the little girl: "I can have someone take him, but judging from his personality, it is not suitable for me to stay with you." Do things under your hands."

   "I have also considered what you said. If I remember correctly, you told me that you wanted to form a sniper team."

   "You mean to make him a sniper?"


   "If Ge Yu's Mu Cang method can be practiced to a hundred shots, the position of sniper is really suitable for him."

   "Then it's settled, you find someone to take him, and let him work under your command after he leaves the teacher."

   "Why are you helping him like this?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl curiously.

   "Maybe it's because he has been persistent in his dreams that moved me. Everyone has dreams, but there are very few people who can really persist in pursuing their dreams, so I want to help him."

  After hearing the little girl's words, Zhang Xu thought of his childhood dream, but unfortunately, due to various reasons, he couldn't realize it in the end.

  As the little girl said, everyone has a dream, but there are very few people who can persist in pursuing their dreams. He is the one who failed to persist in pursuing their dreams.

   "What are you thinking about?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu when she saw Zhang Xu sitting there without saying a word.

   Zhang Xu shook his head when he heard the little girl's words, and then said, "I didn't think about anything."

   "Did you really think about anything?"


   "Go back to sleep, Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen will arrive tomorrow, we may not be able to rest well after tonight, so let's take advantage of tonight to rest well."

   "Then I'm leaving, good night."

"Good night."

  The next morning at 5:30, Lu Xiaoxiao was woken up by shouts and shouts. She thought it was something serious at the base, and ran out of the dormitory without even wearing a coat.

   It turned out that what she saw was the group of newcomers doing training, which made her collapse.

   "Master Xiao, why did you get up so early?" Gray Cat saw Lu Xiaoxiao just as he walked out of the dormitory, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I was woken up, I went back to the dormitory to sleep, goodbye." Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the dormitory after speaking, and then closed the door with a snap.

  (end of this chapter)

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