Chapter 2498 arrives

  After nine in the morning, after Zhang Xu sent someone to bring Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen back to the base, he brought breakfast to the door of the little girl's dormitory, and knocked on the door.

  Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the quilt after hearing the knock on the door. She checked the time and it was past nine o'clock, so she immediately jumped out of bed to open the door.

   "Zhang Xu, have Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen arrived in Beijing?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu when she saw Zhang Xu after opening the door.

   "It has arrived."

   "Where are they?"

   "In the base, you can see each other anytime you want. What you have to do now is to wash up and have breakfast."

   "Okay, I'm going to wash up now." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned and ran towards the bathroom.

   Zhang Xu saw the little girl in a hurry, shook his head helplessly, then he went into the dormitory and closed the door, and opened the breakfast he brought, so that the little girl would not burn her hands because of impatience when eating later.

  After breakfast, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu to take her to see Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen. She hadn't seen them for more than half a year, and she still missed them.

   "Master Xiao." Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen excitedly stood up and shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office.

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen after hearing their shouts, and asked them to sit down.

   "Master Xiao, brother asked me to bring this to you." After sitting down, Gui Jiu picked up a bundle beside her and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the burden that Gui Jiu handed her, she asked Gui Jiu, "Old man Gui, are they all right?"

   "Okay, big brother and they are very good."

"That's good."

   "Master Xiao, Big Brother asked me to ask you when you have time to go to Yunxing?"

   "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Gui Jiu after hearing what Gui Jiu said.

   "Nothing happened? It's just that the two mines have been mined almost, so the eldest brother wants you to go to Yun Province to buy more mines."

The corners of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily when she heard Gui Jiu's words, and then she said to Gui Jiu: "Didn't those two mines say that they could be mined for a year or two? It's only been half a year and you told me that the mining is almost over." , you bully me."

   "No, how dare I, Mr. Hu Xiao, those mines are indeed almost exhausted."

   "Tell me what's going on?"

   "It' fact, it's nothing wrong, it's just that the speed of mining has accelerated."

   "Ghost Fourteen, tell me." Seeing that Ghost Nine was not telling the truth, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Ghost Fourteen.

  Ghost Fourteen didn't know what to say after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, so he looked at Ghost Nine, but unfortunately, Ghost Nine didn't give him any hints.

  So he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother thought the mining speed was too slow, so he recruited two more mining teams to mine with the previous two teams."

  Lu Xiaoxiao frowned tightly after listening to Ghost Fourteen's words, but now is not the time to talk about it, so she said to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen: "I will find time to go to Yun Province."

   "It's really great. If the eldest brother knows that you promised him to go to Yun Province, he will definitely be so happy."

   "Maybe." Lu Xiaoxiao took a sip of water after she finished speaking.

  Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen looked at each other after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. They didn't know if it was their illusion. They felt that Lu Xiaoxiao's attitude towards them had weakened a lot.

   "Master Xiao, did you come to us this time to break the formation?" Guijiu asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Yeah, didn't Zhang Xu tell you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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