Chapter 2540 Horrible

   "Zhang Xu, come here, I have something to talk to you." Lu Xiaoxiao yelled at Zhang Xu after she sat down on the sofa.

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu put down the document in his hand, got up and walked towards the little girl. When he came to the little girl, he sat down next to the little girl.

  After Zhang Xu sat down, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu with a serious expression and said, "Zhang Xu, Yang Liu told me the secret he has been keeping."


   "He said that the Yue family is just a point, and there are countless points like the Yue family in Huaguo."

Zhang Xu changed immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. The Yue family was enough to shock them. If what Yang Liu said was true, he couldn't imagine what happened next, and he couldn't face it even more, because Too cruel.

   "Aside from what Yang Liu said to you, did he say anything else?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl with a hoarse voice.

   "Yes, he also mentioned Jiumingjiao. It seems that the Yue family's matter is related to Jiumingjiao."

   "I see, I will find a chance to meet with Yang Liu and confirm the authenticity of the matter with him."

   "Don't look for opportunities, go and take the Yangliu couple to a safe place tonight, otherwise I'm afraid they will be killed."

   "Okay, I will let Scorpion arrange it later, and I will pick them up in person at night."

   "I'll go with you. Yangliu and his wife have treated me very well, and I don't want anything to happen to them."


  After nine o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the building where Yang Liu's house was located. She looked around and saw that there was no one, so she released her mental strength to explore around.

  After she used her mental strength to explore the surrounding area, she said to Zhang Xu: "There are four groups of people ambushing near this building. I don't know if there are Mu Cangshou in the distance."

   "Can you make those four people unconscious?"

   "Of course there are." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out a few oiled paper bags from her bag and handed them to Zhang Xu.

   After Zhang Xu took the oiled paper bag handed to him by the little girl, he turned and left with the oiled paper bag.

  After Zhang Xu left for a while, Lu Xiaoxiao realized that she had not told Zhang Xu where the four groups were hiding, so she immediately chased after Zhang Xu.

  When she came to the hiding place of the first group of people, she saw that the first group of people had all passed out. It was obvious that they had been drugged by Zhang Xu.

  It was only at this time that she realized that Zhang Xu also had spiritual power, so even if she didn't tell Zhang Xu where the four gangs were hiding, Zhang Xu could easily know.

  After she figured it out, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't plan to continue chasing Zhang Xu, but returned to the original place to stay.

  After Zhang Xu settled the four groups, he returned to the little girl and said to the little girl, "They have all passed out, we can go in."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, she didn't immediately go in with Zhang Xu, but asked Zhang Xu, "Have you asked someone to check if the neighborhood is safe?"

   "Yes, I have asked Mu Mu to take someone to investigate."

   "That's good, let's go in." Lu Xiaoxiao took the lead into the building after finishing speaking.

  Seeing the little girl's figure disappearing into the dark corridor, Zhang Xu hurriedly led people to follow the little girl.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of Yangliu's house, she saw that the lights of Yangliu's house had been turned off, so she reached out and knocked on the door a few times vigorously.

   "Who?" Yang Liu immediately sat up from the bed when he heard the knock on the door, and then shouted loudly towards the door.

  (end of this chapter)

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