Chapter 2541 Receiving people

   "Uncle Liu, it's me, please open the door for me, it's too dark outside."

  After Yang Liu heard Lu Xiaoxiao's voice, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then got out of bed to open the door for Lu Xiaoxiao.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door in Yangliu, she immediately brought Zhang Xu and a group of people into Yangliu's house.

   "Why did you bring so many people to my house?" Yang Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw a group of people standing in the living room.

"Uncle Liu, they are here to pick you up and Aunt Juan. The place you live is no longer safe. If you stay here any longer, you will most likely die, so they are here to pick you up to a safe place. , I will send you back after the matter is over."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Yang Liu looked at the most imposing man in the living room. When he met the man's eyes, he immediately looked away in shock.

  Because Lu Xiaoxiao had been paying attention to Yang Liu, she naturally didn't miss what happened just now.

  However, she was not surprised by what happened just now, because she had never seen a few people who dared to look directly into Zhang Xu's eyes, so it is not surprising that Yang Liu would be jumped when he touched Zhang Xu's eyes.

   "Uncle Liu, I forgot to introduce you just now. His name is Zhang Xu, and he is the person in charge of the Yue family incident. If you have anything to say to him." Lu Xiaoxiao walked to Zhang Xu and said to Yang Liu.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Yang Liu stretched out his hand awkwardly and said to Zhang Xu: "Hello, my name is Yang Liu."

   "Hello, can you come with me now?"

   "Not yet, my wife is still sleeping."

   "You have fifteen minutes to clean up. If you haven't packed up after fifteen minutes, you can only leave with me."

  Yang Liu nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then he immediately ran towards the room.

   Fifteen minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao watched Meng Juan and Yang Liu, who were covered with things, appear in the living room, and the corner of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

  She never imagined that Yangliu and his wife would pack so many things in just fifteen minutes, which is amazing.

   "Our things have been packed, and we can leave with you now." Yang Liu looked at Zhang Xu and said.

  After hearing Yang Liu's words, Zhang Xu made a gesture to the monkey, signaling the monkey to take someone to help Yang Liu and his wife get things.

  When the monkey received Zhang Xu's gaze, he immediately took someone to help the Yangliu couple get things.

  When Zhang Xu had only one bag left on Yangliu and his wife, he led them outside the house.

   "Xiao Xiao, why did you come to pick me up with them?" Meng Juan asked Lu Xiaoxiao who was following her as she went downstairs cautiously.

   "Aunt Juan, you don't know them. I was afraid that they would be regarded as bad people when they came to pick you up, so I came with them."

   "It's really hard work for you, and I will make a trip at night."

   "It's not hard, Aunt Juan is so kind to me, it's nothing for me to go this far."

   "Hidden, all hidden." Zhang Xu shouted loudly when he noticed the sound of breaking through the air.

  After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately dragged Meng Juan and Yang Liu to the corner. This corner was the only blind spot in the corridor, so no matter how powerful Mu Cang was outside, there was no way to kill Meng Juan and Yang Liu.

   "Xiaoxiao, take them to hide, I will pick you up later." Zhang Xu said to the little girl.

   "I see, you pay attention to safety."


  (end of this chapter)

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