Chapter 2545 The same room (2)

  Lu Xiaoxiao was surprised when she heard that Zhang Xu's room was opposite her, but then she thought that judging from Zhang Xu's character, it would be strange if he didn't choose the room opposite her.

   "Didn't you say you were sleepy? Why don't you come over?" Zhang Xu opened the door of the room and saw the little girl still standing there in a daze, so he said to the little girl.

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately ran towards Zhang Xu's room. When she came to Zhang Xu's room, she was stunned.

   It took a while to recover, and then she asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, why is your room the same as mine?"

   "The master who built the house made our room the same for convenience."

   "So it's like this, just now I thought you liked my room, that's why you built the room like mine."

   "It's getting late, you should go to bed."

   "I haven't washed yet."

   "The bathroom is over there."


  After the little girl went to wash up, Zhang Xu took out an unused quilt and an unused pillow from the cabinet and put them on the kang, then he sat on the stool and waited for the little girl while drinking water.

  Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the bathroom after washing, and saw Zhang Xu drinking water. She stuck out her tongue and licked her dry lips, and asked Zhang Xu, "Is there any water? I want to drink."

   "Yes, come and drink." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he poured a glass of water for the little girl.

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately ran towards Zhang Xu, and then took a sip of the water Zhang Xu poured for her. Fortunately, the temperature of the water was just right, even if she drank it in a hurry, she didn't get burned. Tongue.

   When the little girl finished drinking a glass of water, Zhang Xu asked the little girl, "Do you want more?"

"Continued Cup."


  After drinking three glasses of water in a row, Lu Xiaoxiao finally felt that her lips were not so dry, so she said to Zhang Xu, "Go and wash up."

   "I still have things to deal with, you go to bed first."

   "Is there anything I can do for you?"

   "No, you can sleep peacefully."

   "Then I'm going to sleep." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she climbed onto the kang, and then got into the bed that Zhang Xu had made for her.

  Seeing that the little girl had fallen asleep, Zhang Xu said to the little girl, "I'm leaving."

   "Go quickly, settle the matter early and come back to rest early."


  After Zhang Xu left, Lu Xiaoxiao got off the kang and opened the door of the room to look out. Seeing that there was no one outside the room, she quickly closed the door of the room, and then went into the space to take a shower.

  When she came out after taking a bath, it was already late, so she immediately went to bed on the kang.

   Zhang Xu returned to the room after finishing the matter, and saw the little girl sleeping as soundly as the little piggy. He stretched out his hand and scratched the little girl's nose lightly, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

  The next morning at 7:30, when Lu Xiaoxiao woke up and saw a familiar environment, she thought she was still living in Tianshui Village, so she got off the kang to open the door of the main room.

  When she opened the door and saw the environment outside the room, she realized where she was now, so she immediately closed the door of the room.

   "Why did you get up so early? Don't you want to sleep a little longer?" Zhang Xu was woken up by the sound of the little girl closing the door, so he sat up and asked the little girl.

   "I want to go to the bathroom."

   "I'll take you there." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he got dressed and got off the kang, and then walked out of the room with the little girl.

  (end of this chapter)

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