Chapter 2546 Intricate

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room after going to the toilet, she didn't feel sleepy at all, so she said to Zhang Xu, "Go on to sleep, I'll go to the next room to clean up."

   "Aren't you sleeping?"

   "No more sleep, I'm wide awake now."

   "I'll go clean with you."

   "No, you can continue to sleep, I know you will be back very late."

   "Then I'm going to sleep, wake me up if something happens."


   More than two hours later, Lu Xiaoxiao cleaned up the room. She looked at the brand new room and nodded with satisfaction.

   "Master Xiao? Where's the boss? Why isn't he with you?" Monkey came to the door of Zhang Xu's room and was about to knock on the door when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out of the opposite room, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Zhang Xu is still sleeping, what do you want from him?"

   "The Yangliu couple want to see the boss."

   "Wait for me, I will go with you to see Uncle Liu and Aunt Juan."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao went back to her room and changed into clean clothes, she followed the monkey to the place where Yang Liu and Meng Juan lived.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are here, come in and sit down." Meng Juan came back from the toilet and saw Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards her, she hurriedly stepped forward and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Meng Juan's words, and then she and Meng Juan walked into the house together.

   "Hey, I didn't ask that little brother to help invite the person in charge here. Why are you here?" Yang Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room.

   "Uncle Liu, the person in charge here is my brother. He has something to do, so he let me come over."

   "Old Liu, it doesn't matter which one comes here, Xiaoxiao or her brother, stop talking nonsense and get down to business."

  Yang Liu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Meng Juan's words. He just asked casually just now, why did he become nonsense?

  Although he felt so wronged, he didn't dare to speak his mind, so he said to the monkey with a bad face: "Little brother, I have something to say to her, can you avoid it?"

   "Of course, I'll go out now." The monkey turned around and left the house immediately after speaking.

After the monkey left the house, Meng Juan pulled Lu Xiaoxiao to sit down on the kang, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Little Xiao, you must firmly remember what I said to you Uncle Liu next. But don’t tell others lightly, or you will be killed.”

   "I know Aunt Juan."

   "Speak, don't you want to say it yourself?" Meng Juan said to Yang Liu after receiving Lu Xiaoxiao's assurance.

Yang Liu coughed twice after hearing Meng Juan's words, then looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with a serious expression and said, "I told you that the Yue family is related to the Jiuming Sect, but it's just a little secret, and I didn't overhear it. That secret, next I’m going to tell you the secret I overheard, I hope you can stabilize your mood after listening.”

   "Uncle Liu, don't worry, I will definitely stabilize my mood." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she raised her hand to cheer herself up.

Yang Liu nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then slowly said: "The things the Yue family did are not only related to the Jiuming Sect, but also related to many families in Beijing, the first family in Beijing, the Zhang family. It is also related to what the Yue family did.

   It is said that many people above know what the Yue family did, but they never tell what the Yue family did. This incident makes me very puzzled. "

  (end of this chapter)

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