Chapter 2575 Sauce meat buns

  When he returned to the dining room with a basket of steamed buns, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Hurry up, the pork buns with sauce should be eaten while they are hot, otherwise they will lose their flavor."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Ke Baiwei's words, and then she took a bun with her chopsticks and brought it to her mouth for a bite.

   "Hot, hot, hot... so hot... huh...."

   "Are you okay? Spit out the bun." Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was burned, Ke Baiwei hurriedly turned to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing Ke Baiwei's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't follow Ke Baiwei's words. Instead, she opened her mouth wide and exhaled. She didn't eat the buns in her mouth until the buns in her mouth were no longer hot.

   "Drink some cold water slowly, or your mouth will be scalded and blistered."

   "No, my mouth is fine."

   "You said that you can get burned even if you eat a bun, I don't even know what to say."

   "Uncle Ke, I can't blame me for getting my mouth burned, but you."

   "Why are you still blaming me? Didn't I tell you that the buns are hot when you are eating?"

   "You did tell me that the steamed buns are hot, but you didn't tell me that the steamed buns contained soup. I was scalded by the soup in the steamed buns just now."

   "Isn't there always soup in the buns? I need to tell you about that."

   "Hehe... Uncle Ke, it seems that you have misunderstood buns. I will go to the state-run restaurant to buy you two buns in a while, so that you can see what the buns we usually eat are like."

   "Forget it, I don't like or eat the things made by state-run restaurants, so don't waste your money.

  I was wrong this time. Tomorrow I will cook you one of my best dishes as an apology. Do you think it’s okay? "

   "Okay, that's great, I will be there on time tomorrow."

   "Eat the buns quickly, you have to be careful now, don't get scalded by the soup again."

   "Understood, Uncle Ke, you eat too."


  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao and Ke Baiwei finished eating a basket of buns. She took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth, then asked Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, are there any buns in the kitchen?"

   "Why, you haven't eaten yet?"

   "I'm full, I just want to bring some back to Zhang Xu."

   "Yes, I'll get it for you." Ke Baiwei walked towards the kitchen after speaking.

   After a while, he returned to the dining room with a basket of buns, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Go to the cabinet over there and get a piece of oiled paper."

   "Uncle Ke, the steamed buns don't need to be wrapped in oiled paper. I'll just carry them home like this. I'll bring you the steamer when I come to eat tomorrow."

"It's fine, but you have to take good care of the steamer. I hired a master to make this steamer. Now the master is gone. If you break the steamer, I just want someone to make it again. .”

   "Uncle Ke, don't worry, the steamer is with me, and the steamer is with me, so I will definitely protect the steamer."

   "You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? No matter how important this steamer is, it is not as important as your life. You can't say such things in the future."

   "I see, I won't say what I just said in the future. I just said those words just to show my determination, and I won't really do what I said."

   "Okay, hurry up and go back with the buns, otherwise the buns Zhang Xu ate will be cold."

   "Then I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

  (end of this chapter)

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