Chapter 2576 Big move

  After eleven o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the sound of unlocking the door, so she turned on the light and shouted outside: "Zhang Xu, are you back?"


   "Don't go back to your room, come to me for a while." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao got up and went to open the door for Zhang Xu.

  After the little girl opened the door, Zhang Xu asked the little girl, "Why are you up so late?"

   "I went to bed after eight o'clock."

   "I woke you up?"

   "No, I woke up by myself, come in quickly, I have left something for you to eat."


After Zhang Xu entered the room, Lu Xiaoxiao closed the door, then took out the buns from the space and put them on the table, and said to Zhang Xu: "Eat quickly, I asked Uncle Ke for this, but you Be careful when eating, there is soup in the buns, it is easy to burn your mouth."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, and then he picked up a bun and ate it.

  After he finished eating a basket of steamed buns, he said to the little girl, "It seems that Ke Baiwei likes you very much. He even made you the steamed buns with sauce that he didn't want to make the most."

   "Why doesn't Uncle Ke want to make sauced meat buns? Is it too complicated to make sauced meat buns?"



   "It seems to have something to do with his wife, but I don't know the details."

   "Hey, originally I wanted Uncle Ke to help me make more steamed buns and take them to Harbin City to eat. It seems that this is impossible. I can't let Uncle Ke think of sad things for my own selfish desires."

   "You can ask him to cook other dishes for you."

   "I know, when I'm about to leave, I'll ask Uncle Ke to cook something delicious for me."


   "How long will it take for the matter in Beijing to be resolved?"

   "Three days."

   "It's pretty fast, is there anything I can do for you?"

   "No, but you don't go out these two days, stay in the base well."


   "There have been big moves in the past two days, so it will be chaotic outside."

   "I know, I will stay in the base well, be careful when you are doing business outside."


   "It's getting late, you go back to the house and go to bed, I'm going to bed on the kang too."


  After Zhang Xu left, Lu Xiaoxiao put the steamer into the space, and then she climbed onto the kang and turned off the lights to sleep.

  The next morning at 7:30, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go out to Ke Baiwei's for breakfast, but before she came, she hurriedly opened the door, when she heard a knock on the door, so she opened the door.

   "Aunt Juan, Uncle Liu, why are you here?" Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door and saw Meng Juan and Yang Liu, and asked them.

   "Xiaoxiao, your Uncle Liu and I have something to ask for your help. I wonder if you are free?"

   "Come in and say."


  Lu Xiaoxiao After Meng Juan and Yang Liu entered the room, she poured them a glass of water each, and then asked them, "What do you want me to do?"

   "I want you to help me see my son and daughter, and see if they will be implicated by the two of us."

   "Don't worry, Aunt Juan, your son and daughter are fine. From the day we brought you back to the base, we have sent people to protect your son and daughter."

   "Thank you, thank you so much, I don't even know what to say." Meng Juan was so excited that she was at a loss when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

  (end of this chapter)

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