Chapter 2598 Crash

   "It's really a tall tone. I don't know what you can do to make my sister unable to stay in Beijing."

"Who are you?"

   "You don't deserve to know who I am." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he gave Song Meimei a cold look.

  Song Meimei was taken aback by Zhang Xu's cold eyes, but when she thought of her fiancé, she felt confident in her heart instantly.

  So she bravely said to Zhang Xu: "I don't care who you are, if she doesn't kneel down and apologize to me today, I won't let her go."

   "Brother, this is a matter between me and her, just let me settle it." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu before Zhang Xu opened his mouth.

   Zhang Xu did not refuse after hearing the little girl's words, but said to the little girl: "You are welcome when you need me."

   "Understood, I won't be polite to you."

   "Hey, did you hear what I said, kneel down and apologize to me, I don't have time to spend with you here."

   "Auntie, are you out of your mind? Just now, the salesperson comrade told you that I bought the wine, but you want to rob me of what I bought. Are you a bandit?"

   "What kind of bandits, don't talk nonsense, my background is clean, my ancestors are all farmers, don't even think about pouring dirty water on me."

   "Oh... so you are not a bandit, so why did you rob me of the things I bought? You must know that the things I bought belong to me. If you want to take things away without my consent, that is banditry."

"you you…."

   "I have nothing to say. It's obviously your fault, but you want me to kneel down and apologize to you. Are you the emperor? You will make people kneel down every now and then."

   "Shut up, shut up, I don't want the wine, I don't want it anymore." Song Meimei shouted in fright after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Song Meimei was frightened to collapse by her few words, she couldn't help but sneered coldly, and then said to Song Meimei: "As long as you apologize to me, I won't pursue the matter of you robbing me to save me."

   "I don't apologize, and I am not wrong. Why should I apologize to you? I will never apologize to you."

"Meimei, what happened." Zhang Youcai saw that Song Meimei hadn't come out of the department store after buying wine for almost ten minutes, so he entered the department store, only to see Song Meimei surrounded by a group of people, so He hurried forward and asked.

After Song Meimei heard Zhang Youcai's words, she immediately turned around and looked back. When she saw Zhang Youcai, she complained to Zhang Youcai with red eyes, "Youcai, they got together to bully me, and even took away the wine I bought. Stolen."

   "What, someone dared to grab your wine, tell me who it is? I will bully you back."

  Song Meimei was immediately excited when she heard Zhang Youcai's words, so she turned around and pointed at Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu, and said to Zhang Youcai, "They are the two who bullied me."

  Zhang Youcai looked in the direction of Song Meimei's finger. When he saw Zhang Xu, his face turned pale with fright.

   "Fourth...Fourth master, I'm really sorry. I didn't teach my fiancée well. I will definitely teach her well when I go back. Please look at the relationship between us and forgive her this time."

   "Our relationship? Who are you? Do I know you?"

Hearing Zhang Xu's repeated questions, Song Youcai's face turned paler than before, so he said to Zhang Xu with a trembling voice: "Fourth Master, I am a distant relative of the Zhang family, and my name is Zhang Youcai. We met in the first lunar month. one side."

   Thank you for the reward I don’t know, cute



  (end of this chapter)

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