Chapter 2599 Stupid

   "I have no impression."

   "I'm really a distant relative of the Zhang family. My job was arranged by Mr. Zhang. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask Mr. Zhang."

   "I have severed ties with the Zhang family, so don't get close to me, it's useless."

   "What... what? Why didn't I hear that you severed ties with the Zhang family? A few days ago, Mr. Zhang said he could ask you for help if he had any difficulties."

After Zhang Xu heard Zhang Youcai's words, a killing intent flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that after what happened last time, Mr. Zhang dared to use his name to act outside. It seems that his methods were too gentle. , let them feel that he is a bully.

   "Immediately ask your fiancée to apologize to my sister, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Zhang Xu said to Zhang Youcai in a gentle tone, but the murderous intent in that tone was stronger than the cold tone before.

   Zhang Youcai trembled in shock after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then he pulled out Song Meimei who was hiding behind him, and then said to Song Meimei, "Meimei, quickly apologize to Fourth Master's sister."

   "No, I'm not wrong, why should I apologize to her, why didn't you let her apologize to me when she scolded me just now."

   "Meimei, I asked you to apologize, did you hear me?" Seeing that Song Meimei didn't listen to him, Zhang Youcai immediately yelled at Song Meimei.

"Youcai, you actually yelled at me. When I came to Beijing with you, you said that you would be good to me for the rest of my life. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given up so much to come to Beijing with you. really let me disappointed."

   Zhang Youcai's face turned blue and then pale after hearing Song Meimei's words. Why didn't he find out that Song Meimei was so stupid before? It seems that he needs to seriously consider the relationship between him and Song Meimei.

   "Meimei, you are obedient, I will explain to you when I get back."

   "I don't want it, I won't apologize to her."


   "Zhang Youcai, I, Song Meimei, have never been wronged since I was a child. If you dare to make me apologize to her today, I will go back to my hometown."

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the scene in front of her was getting more and more boring, so she took the wine from the salesperson, and then said to Zhang Xu: "Let's go, let's go shopping for other things."

   "You just let her go?"

   "It's not a sincere apology, what's the use of coming."

   "That's right."

   "Let's go, I want to go shopping on the second floor."


Zhang Youcai persuaded Song Meimei for a while, and finally let Song Meimei let go, but when he turned around, he didn't see Zhang Xu, so he immediately asked the salesperson, "Where are the two people standing here going?" gone?"

"How do I know where they went? I'm just a wine seller." The salesperson said in a bad tone after hearing Zhang Youcai's words. She saw all the scenes that happened just now, so she didn't have a good impression of Zhang Youcai at all. , naturally he would not give Zhang Youcai a good face.

  Song Meimei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the salesperson's words. Since that **** is gone, she doesn't have to apologize to that bitch, which is really great.

"Youcai, since they left, it proves that they don't care about us anymore, so let's buy some wine and go home. Uncles and aunts are still waiting for us to go home for dinner." Song Meimei walked to Zhang Youcai and turned to Zhang Youcai. Talented.

   "Eat, eat, eat, what else do you do besides eat, do you know who you offended, you are an idiot." After Zhang Youcai finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the department store without looking back.

  (end of this chapter)

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