Chapter 2600 is routine

  Seeing that Zhang Youcai had left, Song Meimei didn't care about buying wine, so she hurriedly chased after Zhang Youcai.

   "You are are wait for me." Song Meimei shouted at Zhang Youcai while running.

   Zhang Youcai became even more irritable when he heard Song Meimei's shout, so he walked quickly to the bicycle and unlocked it, then got on the bicycle and left.

  Song Meimei saw Zhang Youcai riding away on a bicycle, and she stomped her feet angrily. This was the first time Zhang Youcai lost his temper with her since she came to Beijing, and she blamed that bitch.

  If that **** gave her the wine directly, the following things would not happen, and Zhang Youcai would not be angry with her and leave her here.

  So it's all the fault of that cheap girl. If she meets that cheap girl next time, she will definitely want her to look good.

  After shopping around on the second floor, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't see anything she wanted to buy, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, do you have anything you want to buy?"


   "I don't have anything to buy either, let's go to the first floor."


"What's wrong?"

   "I want to buy some wool." Zhang Xu looked at the wool on the counter and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "What do you buy wool for? Do you want to knit sweaters?"


  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu in surprise, and then asked Zhang Xu, "Can you knit sweaters?"


   "Then why are you buying wool? I'll take you to buy ready-made sweaters."

   “I don’t buy off-the-shelf sweaters, I just want to buy wool.”

   " don't want me to knit a sweater for you, do you?"

   "Is that okay? I really like the waistcoat you knitted for me last year."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't agree immediately after hearing Zhang Xu's words, because knitting sweaters was too boring, and she would feel sleepy as long as she knitted sweaters, so she would rather spend more money to buy ready-made sweaters if she was asked to knit sweaters.

   "Zhang Xu, I'm not very good at knitting sweaters. It will make people laugh if you wear them. Can I buy a ready-made one for you?"

   "I don't want ready-made ones, I just want to wear what you knit."

   "I knit sweaters very slowly. I'm afraid it will be summer when the sweaters are finished."

   "No problem, I can wear them again this winter."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that she couldn't refuse today, so she had no choice but to agree.

  Seeing that the little girl agreed to knit a sweater for him, Zhang Xu unconsciously twitched his mouth, and then he went to the wool counter to buy enough wool for five sweaters.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw a large bag of wool that Zhang Xu bought, her little hands couldn't help shaking, and then she asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, you won't let me knit all the wool into sweaters for you, right? "

   "Well, that's what I planned, but I didn't ask you to knit the wool into a sweater for me at once, you just knit one for me a year."

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief after hearing Zhang Xu's words, but soon she realized that she had been tricked by Zhang Xu, so she said to Zhang Xu angrily: "Zhang Xu, you are too much."

   "What am I doing wrong?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao choked at Zhang Xu's words. Although she felt that she was being tricked by Zhang Xu, she couldn't tell how Zhang Xu had tricked her. She was so angry.

   Zhang Xu saw that the little girl's eyes were red with anger, and he was afraid that the little girl would ignore him in anger, so he quickly coaxed the little girl: "I just saw a watch at the watch counter that is especially suitable for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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