Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2613: Negotiate cooperation

  Chapter 2613 Negotiate cooperation

  After Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen left, Zhang Xu said to the little girl, "You have a good rest, I'm leaving first."


"What's wrong?"

   "This is for you." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out a bottle from the space and handed it to Zhang Xu.

   After Zhang Xu took the bottle handed to him by the little girl, he asked the little girl, "What is it?"

   "Quick hemostatic medicine, you have to come up with something when you talk about cooperation with the people above, otherwise how could they trust you lightly."

  After Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, he tightly held the bottle in his hand, and a warm current flowed through his heart.


   "There is no need to thank us for the relationship between us. Besides, I am also from Huaguo. It is right to do what I can for Huaguo."

   "I'm leaving, you have a good rest."


  After Zhang Xu came out of the little girl's dormitory, he returned to the dormitory to take a combat bath, then put on his formal clothes and drove out of the base.

More than two hours later, Zhang Xu came to the leader's office. After telling the leader why he came, he took out a knife and cut his arm, and then sprinkled the medicine powder given to him by the little **** the wound, and the bleeding stopped instantly. .

The leader saw the wound on Zhang Xu's arm stopped bleeding instantly, and his pupils shrank involuntarily. He thought Zhang Xu was talking in his sleep when he heard what Zhang Xu said just now, but when the matter was in front of his eyes, Only then did he realize that what Zhang Xu said was not a dream, but a fact.

   "Can you really get the prescription for this hemostatic drug?" The leader asked Zhang Xu in a serious tone.

   "Of course you can, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What's up?"

   "Do not investigate the source of the prescription."


   "The owner of the prescription does not want to be identified."

  The leader thought for a while after hearing what Zhang Xu said, then he reached out and patted the table and said, "Okay, I promise you."

   "Then I'll go back, and I'll come back after the other party gives me the prescription."

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

   "We can't ask for someone else's prescription for nothing, because this prescription is too precious."

   "The other party doesn't care about rewards, otherwise she won't hide her identity."

   "It's his business that he doesn't care, and our sincerity is our business. Besides, the person who can develop such a powerful medicine will definitely be able to develop other powerful medicines, so we must show our goodwill."

   Zhang Xu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the leader's words. It was the first time he saw such a leader. He felt that if the leader went into business, he would definitely make a lot of money.

   "Boy Xu, did you hear what I said?" After the leader finished speaking, seeing that Zhang Xu hadn't responded, he asked Zhang Xu.

   "I heard, but what reward do you plan to give?"

   "What rewards can we give? Naturally, it is money. The most expensive thing to develop new drugs is money. Besides, there is no way to reward other things now."

   "Then save the other rewards and reward them together when they can be rewarded."

  The leader's eyelids twitched involuntarily when he heard Zhang Xu's words, and then he asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, tell me honestly, what is the relationship between you and the person who gave you the prescription?"

   "I have no relationship with her for the time being, but who knows what the relationship will be in the future."

   "Hehe... You kid is still playing sloppy with me, so you say you are eyeing the person who gave you the prescription?"

  (end of this chapter)

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