Chapter 2614 Secret signal to buy rice

   "Don't tell the truth if you see it through."

   "Hahaha... Xu boy, you are really good. If you really bring someone back to the nest, I will give you a credit."

   "Forget about memorizing merits, I can't count the number of merits on my body, this one is not bad, you should talk about rewards."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, the top leader gave Zhang Xu an angry look, and then said to Zhang Xu: "You know the financial situation of the organization, I can't get out too much, so I can only give one thousand yuan."

   "One thousand is one thousand, when will you give me the money?"

   "What are you in a hurry for, kid? I'll write you a note and go to the accountant to get the money after you get the prescription."

   "Okay, I'll go first if I have nothing to do."


"What's wrong?"

   "I heard that you have received very few missions recently. Is there any difficulty?"

   "There is no difficulty, but I was ordered by you for a while, so I didn't have time to take the task."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, the leader smiled awkwardly, and Pazhou said to Zhang Xu: "I will give you three days off, and you can rest well in the dormitory."

"One week."

   "No, up to five days."

   "Deal." Zhang Xu walked towards the door immediately after speaking.

  The leader came back to his senses after Zhang Xu left, and then he slapped the table vigorously and said, "You son of a **** is tricking me again, it's really disgusting."

  After Zhang Xu left the office, he checked the time and it was past four o'clock, so he drove towards the State-run Hotel.

   "Comrade, it's not time for dinner yet, you're early." The waiter said to Zhang Xu when Zhang Xu was walking to the state-run restaurant.



   "Tiger Lobster Garlic Sauce."

   "Wait a minute, I'll call Master Guan over here." The waiter said to Zhang Xu when he heard the secret signal from Zhang Xu.

   A few minutes later, Master Guan walked out of the kitchen and saw Zhang Xu standing in front of the order window. He hurried forward and shouted to Zhang Xu: "Fourth Lord."

   "Help me fry a few home-cooked dishes."


Half an hour later, Master Guan put two lunch boxes full of vegetables on the table in front of Zhang Xu, and said to Zhang Xu, "Si Ye, I fried four home-cooked dishes. If it's not enough, I can cook a few more." .”

   "No need, how much."

   "You can give me four dollars."

  After hearing Master Guan's words, Zhang Xu took out five yuan from his pocket and put it on the table, then left with the lunch box.

   After Zhang Xu left, Xiao Li asked Master Guan, "Master Guan, who was that man just now? Why were you so polite to him?"

   "The person we can't afford to offend, if you see him coming to the state-run hotel in the future, please notify me, lest you offend him."


  It was already half past five when Zhang Xu returned to the base. After getting off the car, he went to the cafeteria to buy some steamed buns, and then walked towards the dormitory.


  Lu Xiaoxiao just woke up when she heard a knock on the door, so she asked.


   "Wait a minute, I will open the door for you when I get dressed." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she quickly put on her clothes, and then got out of bed to open the door for Zhang Xu.

   When the little girl opened the door of the dormitory, Zhang Xu handed the lunch box and steamed buns to the little girl, and then said to the little girl: "I need to go back to the dormitory, you eat first, don't wait for me."

   "Can't you go back to the dormitory after eating?"

   "No, I have something urgent." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he ran towards his dormitory.

   Thank you Fanghua Tianxia and 01692356081, two cuties for your rewards, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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