Chapter 2620 Outrageous (1)

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finished eating the last melon seeds. She took out a handkerchief to wipe her hands clean, and said to Du Xingtian, "It's time, where are my people?"

   "Already on the way, we will be there soon, don't be impatient."

  After hearing what Du Xingtian said, Lu Xiaoxiao winked at the three monkeys, and then she led the three monkeys out of the hall.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao saw a group of people walking towards the house, her eyes narrowed unconsciously, and then she said to the three people standing behind her: "Be careful for a while, the group of people who came It's not good stubble, don't follow their way."


When Poison Eye led a group of his subordinates and the captured people to the entrance of the main hall of Poison Sect, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao and the others standing arrogantly at the entrance of the main hall, so he asked the four of them, "Who are you?" How dare you break into the Poison Sect, and stand so arrogantly at the entrance of the main hall, it seems that you don't take my Poison Sect seriously, so don't blame me for being cruel.

  Hei Wu, Mencius, you two go and arrest them. "

   "Stop, the four of them are my distinguished guests." Du Xingtian just arrived at the entrance of the main hall when he heard that Du Yan was going to attack Lu Xiaoxiao and the other four, so he immediately yelled at Du Yan in fright.

Duanyan was taken aback when he heard Duxingtian's roar, but he quickly came back to his senses, and then he asked Duxingtian in disbelief: "Sovereign, are you sure they are distinguished guests? No matter how I look at it, I think They came to provoke."

   "Don't care if they are distinguished guests or provocative, where are the people I asked you to bring?"

"Lying on the single shelf at the back, this kid's body is too weak, and he has only been fed more than a dozen kinds of poisons. I saw his strong body and thought he should be able to withstand hundreds of poisons. Poison, it seems that I overestimated him."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's face immediately darkened when she heard what Poison Eye said, and then she said to Poison Eye with a murderous tone: "Hand him over, or don't blame me for destroying the Poison Sect."

   "You little bitch..."

   "Poison Eye, shut up and get someone to bring you here, or I'll send you to Ten Thousand Snakes Cave."

Before Du Xingtian heard that Du Yan took Lu Xiaoxiao's people to test the medicine, his heart was cold, and now he heard Du Yan not afraid of death scolding Lu Xiaoxiao, if he didn't stop , I am afraid that after today, there will be no more Poison Sects.

  When Poison Eye heard that Du Xingtian was going to send him to Ten Thousand Snakes Cave, he was so frightened that he trembled all over, and then he immediately asked someone to carry him over.

When Lu Xiaoxiao was carrying the stretcher over by the vicious person, she saw Zhang Xu lying on the stretcher, but at this moment Zhang Xu was covered in black and blue, and his breath was very weak, if she hadn't seen his chest There were still slight ups and downs, and she thought Zhang Xu was dead.

   "Xiao...Master Xiao, go and see the boss." The monkey said to Lu Xiaoxiao with a trembling voice.

  After hearing what the monkey said, Lu Xiaoxiao gestured to the three monkeys, and then she rushed to the stretcher to feel Zhang Xu's pulse.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao took Zhang Xu's pulse, and she said to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen, "Set up the formation, don't let anyone disturb me."

  Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they took out a formation stone from their bag, and quickly set up the formation.

  After Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen finished setting up the formation, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a medicine from her bag and fed it to Zhang Xu, and then took out a golden needle to give Zhang Xu an injection.

  (end of this chapter)

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