Chapter 2621 Outrageous anger (2)

  When Lu Xiaoxiao asked people to set up the formation, Du Xingtian knew that if Lu Xiaoxiao was not given a satisfactory explanation for today's affairs, the Poison Sect would die.

  So he asked Poison Eye: "Poison Eye, why did you arrest that man? And use him to test medicine?"

   "There is no reason, I just saw that he is strong, so I arrested him."

   "I'll give you one last chance. If you don't tell the truth, I'll send you to Ten Thousand Snakes Cave right away."

   "Sovereign, I'm really a random person, I..."

   "Mute slave, send Poison Eye to Ten Thousand Snakes Cave."


Looking at the dumb slave walking towards him with poisonous eyes, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. When the dumb slave walked in front of him, his strong desire to win made him say: "Zong Zhu, to be honest, you Don't let the dumb slave send me to Ten Thousand Snakes Cave."

  After Du Xingtian heard what Du Yan said, he gestured to the mute slave, and then said to Du Yan: "Speak."

   "Actually, I don't know who asked me to arrest that man, because when I collected the money, that man was wearing very tight clothes. Only a pair of eyes were exposed, and nothing else was exposed."

   "The Poison Sect does not allow private work. You have violated the Poison Sect's regulations. Have you thought about the consequences?"

   "Sovereign, I didn't intend to do private work. It's because I don't have money to buy medicinal materials, so I take private work to make money."

   "I don't care what the reason is for you to accept private work, in short, you violated the regulations of the Poison Sect, but now the situation is special, I will help you to record the account first.

   If you still have life after today, then I will settle accounts with you.

   If you belch after today, forget about your debts. "

   "Sovereign, what do you mean by this? What do you mean I will die after today?"

   "You will know soon." After Du Xingtian finished speaking, he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in the formation.

   More than an hour later, after Lu Xiaoxiao detoxified several deadly poisons in Zhang Xu's body, she told the monkey to take good care of Zhang Xu, and then led Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen out of the formation.

  Du Xingtian asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the formation, "How is that man, is there anything I can help?"

   "I want poisonous eyes."

   "Yes, I have no opinion on how you want to punish him."

  After hearing Du Xingtian's words, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards Poison Eye, and kicked Poison Eye away when Poison Eye didn't respond in a hurry.

  When Poison Eye was about to fall to the ground, she kicked Poison Eye towards the sky again. After kicking Poison Eye back and forth for more than ten feet, she kicked Poison Eye to the ground.

   "Ghost Nine, Ghost Fifteen, you two come here." Lu Xiaoxiao moved her aching feet and said to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen.

  Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen immediately walked to Lu Xiaoxiao's side when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, what do we need?"

   "You guys feed these medicines to Poison Eye, remember to feed them every five minutes, so that no one will die." Lu Xiaoxiao took out a cloth bag of medicine from her bag and handed it to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen.

   After Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen took the medicine that Lu Xiaoxiao handed them, they said yes to Lu Xiaoxiao, and walked towards Poison Eye who had fainted not far away.

  After Du Xingtian saw Lu Xiaoxiao's methods, he became even more afraid of Lu Xiaoxiao, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Sorry, it's because I disciplined my subordinates. I promise you that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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