Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2630: Successful detoxification

  Chapter 2630 Successful detoxification

After Lu Xiaoxiao saw the monkey and the gray cat bring in the medicine, she said to the monkey and the gray cat, "You feed the medicine to Zhang Xu and drink it, and then get Zhang Xu out of the barrel. The poison on Zhang Xu's body is gone. It's all resolved, and as long as you take care of it, there won't be any major problems."

  The monkey and gray cat nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they went to feed Zhang Xu medicine.

After Lu Xiaoxiao watched the monkey and the gray cat feed Zhang Xu the medicine, she said to them: "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to rest first, and you take turns guarding Zhang Xu. If there is anything wrong with Zhang Xu, You go to my dormitory to find me."


  After returning to the dormitory, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately went into the space to take a hot bath, then she took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and drank it, then went out of the space to sleep on the bed.

At three o'clock in the morning, the gray cat saw Zhang Xu's brows were frowning all the time, so he stretched out his hand to touch Zhang Xu's forehead, and was shocked because the temperature in his palm told him that Zhang Xu had a fever, so he Immediately ran towards Lu Xiaoxiao's dormitory.

   "Knock button... button button... Lu Xiaoxiao, Lu Xiaoxiao, wake up soon." The gray cat came to the door of Lu Xiaoxiao's dormitory and shouted into the dormitory while knocking on the door.

Lu Xiaoxiao was dreaming that she was eating delicious roasted pig's trotters, but before she took two bites, she was awakened by a sudden knock on the door. In front of her eyes, she suddenly became gloomy.

  So she looked towards the door with a murderous look, and then she got out of bed to open the door of the dormitory.

  When the gray cat opened the door of the dormitory, he stepped forward to grab Lu Xiaoxiao's hand without hesitation, and then pulled Lu Xiaoxiao into Zhang Xu's dormitory before Lu Xiaoxiao could react.

   "Master Xiao, the boss has a very serious fever, please show the boss quickly." The gray cat said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing what the gray cat said, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately restrained her emotions, and then quickly checked Zhang Xu's body.

  After she checked Zhang Xu's body, she said to the gray cat, "Follow me to get the medicine."

   "Boss is okay?"

   "It's okay, but I just got a little fever, and I can't die."

  The corner of the gray cat's mouth twitched involuntarily when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Fortunately, Zhang Xu is not here at the moment, otherwise he doesn't know how angry he would be.

After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, she used the cover of the cabinet to take out two bottles from the space, handed them to the gray cat and said, "These two bottles are filled with antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs respectively. You can follow the stickers on the bottles later." The instruction manual for Zhang Xu to take."

  The gray cat nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then he took the bottle from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and walked quickly towards the outside of Lu Xiaoxiao's dormitory.

   After the gray cat left, Lu Xiaoxiao yawned, then went to bed and continued to sleep, hoping that when she fell asleep, she could resume the unfinished dream.

  After the gray cat returned to Zhang Xu's dormitory, he poured a glass of water from the kettle, and then went to the hospital bed to give Zhang Xu medicine.

   It was already more than ten minutes after he fed Zhang Xu the medicine, and he had never seen a more difficult person to serve than Zhang Xu, and he almost killed him after feeding him the medicine.

   Fortunately, Zhang Xu still had a little consciousness, and after recognizing who he was, he opened his mouth to let him feed the medicine.

  When Mu Mu came to Zhang Xu's dormitory to change shifts with Gray Cat, he asked Gray Cat, "What's wrong, Boss?"

  (end of this chapter)

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