Chapter 2631 Wake up

   "Fever, I just gave the boss anti-fever medicine, you pay attention to the situation of the boss for a while, and check the boss's temperature every half an hour.

   If the body temperature of the boss has not dropped after three hours, you can go to Lu Xiaoxiao. "

   "Understood, I will do as you said, you go back and rest, there are still a lot of things waiting for you to deal with tomorrow."

   "Then I'll go back first, and the scorpion will come to pick you up after dawn."


  The next morning at 7:30, Lu Xiaoxiao woke up and rubbed her temples before she went into the space to wash.

  Last night, she went to watch Zhang Xu and came back to sleep. Not only did she not continue to dream of the delicious roasted pig's trotters, but she dreamed that Zhang Xu was chasing her all the time.

   In short, Zhang Xu has been chasing her in her dreams for as long as she has slept, and she is so energetic.

It's a pity that Zhang Xu was chasing her in a dream. If Zhang Xu dared to chase her like this in reality, then she would definitely shoot Zhang Xu to death without hesitation. Who let Zhang Xu have nothing to do and chased after her? It took so long to exhaust her to death, right?

  Lu Xiaoxiao washed up and ate something, then she left the dormitory and walked towards Zhang Xu's dormitory.

  When she came to the door of Zhang Xu's dormitory, she happened to meet Xie Zi who was coming to change shifts, so she greeted Xie Zi, "Good morning."


   "Let's go in and see if Zhang Xu has woken up."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Xiezi pushed the door in, Mu Mu stood up and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, the boss's fever has subsided."

   "I'll take a pulse." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stepped forward to feel Zhang Xu's pulse.

  After she took Zhang Xu's pulse and confirmed that all the poison in Zhang Xu's body had been cured, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Zhang Xu's health is fine. When he wakes up, just give him some good food to nourish his body."

   "I remember, I will take the time to go up the mountain to hunt pheasants and stew them for the boss." Mu Mu said without thinking after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "That's not necessary. I will be responsible for Zhang Xu's medicated diet. You just need to help Zhang Xu deal with the outside affairs during Zhang Xu's recuperation period."

   "Master Xiao, don't worry, as long as the four of us are here, those people can't make trouble. After all, the four of us were taught by the boss."

   "Cough... cough cough... water... water..." Zhang Xu woke up and found that his throat was so dry and itchy that he could hardly even speak, so he instinctively called for water.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's voice, she immediately looked at Zhang Xu, and then she said to Mu Mu: "Mu Mu, quickly pour a glass of water."


  After drinking a glass of water, Zhang Xu felt that his throat felt better, so he asked the little girl, "What's wrong with me?"

   "It's a long story, you're not fit to listen now, take a good rest today, and I'll tell you what's going on tomorrow."


   "I'm going to cook a medicinal meal for you. Remember not to chat with them for too long, or it will be detrimental to your physical recovery."


   After the little girl left, Zhang Xu looked at Mu Mu and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

   "Boss, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't say it until tomorrow, you tell me now, if Lu Xiaoxiao finds out, I will definitely die."

   Zhang Xu didn't insist after hearing Mu Mu's words, but just closed his eyes and rested.

  Seeing that Zhang Xu had rested, Mu Mu gestured to Scorpion, and then walked out of the dormitory.

  (end of this chapter)

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