Chapter 2632 Discussion (1)

After eleven o'clock at noon, Lu Xiaoxiao came to Zhang Xu's dormitory with the prepared medicinal meal. She saw that Zhang Xu was sitting on the bed and watching something, so she put the medicinal meal on the table, went to the bed and stretched out Zhang Xu's hand. The things I saw were brought over.

   "Didn't I let you take a good rest? Why are you dealing with work again?"

   "Too much sleep, can't sleep."

   "Can you get up? I made you a medicinal diet, which will help your recovery."

   "Okay, but you have to support me." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he lifted the quilt and got off the bed.

Lu Xiaoxiao helped Zhang Xu to sit in front of the table, she opened the lid of the casserole and filled Zhang Xu with a bowl of soup, and then said to Zhang Xu: "You haven't eaten for a long time, drink some soup to warm your stomach first, at night I'll cook porridge for you."


After Zhang Xu finished drinking the soup, Lu Xiaoxiao served another bowl of soup for Zhang Xu, and did not serve him any more after that, because the medicinal food is made of warming and nourishing herbs, drinking too much is not only useless to the body, but also It will also cause a burden on the body. This is the reason why too much is too much.

   "Boss, I brought you the documents you asked for." Monkey shouted while pushing open the door of the dormitory.

  After he pushed all the doors of the dormitory open, he froze for an instant, because she saw Lu Xiaoxiao sitting on the stool and smiling at her.

  Seeing the cowardly look of the monkey, Zhang Xu looked at the monkey with hatred, and then said to the monkey, "Give me the document."

After hearing what Zhang Xu said, the monkey immediately went to Zhang Xu and handed the document to Zhang Xu. After Zhang Xu took the document, he was about to run away, but just as he turned around, he heard Lu Xiaoxiao calling him to ask him to go back to the office again. froze the body.

  Lu Xiaoxiao was amused by the monkey's cowardly behavior. She didn't expect the monkey to be cowardly like this because of this incident. Could it be that she was too fierce in normal times that made the monkey so afraid of her.

  If it's really because of this reason, then she has to restrain herself a bit in the future, she doesn't want to be treated as a tigress.

   "You take the medicinal food on the table and share it with the gray cats, but each of you can eat up to two bowls, too much will be bad for your health." Lu Xiaoxiao said to the monkey.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey turned to look at Lu Xiaoxiao, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, is that why you called me?"

   "It's not because of this, what else is there, what are you thinking?"

   "No, no, I didn't think about anything, I'll go find the gray cats with the medicinal meal." After the monkey finished speaking, he took the medicinal meal and walked out of the dormitory.

  After the monkey left, Zhang Xu handed the document in his hand to the little girl, and then said to the little girl, "Let's take a look, the latest news about the Nine Nether Sect."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, she immediately reached out to take the document Zhang Xu handed her, and then carefully read it.

After she finished reading the document, she happily said to Zhang Xu: "Jiu Mingjiao gave us a chance, I was worrying about how to go to Jiu Mingjiao openly, but I didn't expect them to take the initiative to send the opportunity to me. "

   "This time is very likely to be a Hongmen banquet."

   "It doesn't matter what kind of feast it is, when it's time to do it, whoever is stronger will be the home court."

   "You are right, do whatever you want, and I will fully cooperate with you."

   "What I'm waiting for is your words, so you should take good care of your body, I'm still waiting for you to play forward for me."

  (end of this chapter)

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