Chapter 2633 The plan came to naught

   "How to adjust? How long will it take to adjust?"

"You just need to obediently do what I tell you. As for the time, it will take at least a week. Just wait for your body to recuperate, and the Hongmen Banquet of the Jiuming Sect will begin. At that time, we will make a big fuss at the Jiuming Sect. "


   "You should rest. If you can't sleep, practice. This will also be good for your recovery. I'm going back to the dormitory for lunch."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, she took out a Mala Tang and a cup of milk tea from the space, and then ate lunch while thinking about things.

  After she had finished her lunch, she thought about things more or less, so she packed up the trash after the meal, and went out of the dormitory to find Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen.

   "Master Xiao, is there anything you can do with us?" Asked Lu Xiaoxiao who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I'm here to ask you to study the formations. I'm going to the Jiuming Sect to have a banquet in a week. At that time, the Jiuming Sect will definitely arrange a formation waiting for me, so I want to ask if you will arrange a new one yourself. Is it the formation? It is the kind of formation that has never appeared before."

Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen looked at each other after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then Ghost Nine said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "You said we will, but one week is too short, and we don't have the ability to arrange a brand new formation." Law."

   "Then how long will it take you to arrange a brand new formation?"

   "It takes one year at least, and three to five years at most."

"so long?"

   "This is already considered fast. If it is someone else, he may not be able to arrange a brand new formation in ten years."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's heart immediately turned cold when she heard Gui Jiu's words, and all the plans she had thought about during the meal were all in vain. She never thought that she would lose the chain in this link, and she was really mad at her.

   "Master Xiao, are you okay?" Gui Shiwu asked Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw that Lu Xiaoxiao's expression was not very good-looking.

   "I'm fine. You guys should solidify all the formations you know this week. Then I plan to take you to a banquet together."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the dormitory of Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen, she didn't go back to her own dormitory, but went to the square for a stroll, thinking about new plans along the way.

  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the sky had already started to darken. She didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, and she hadn't made up her plan, and it was going to be dark.

   "It's over, she forgot to cook porridge for Zhang Xu." When Lu Xiaoxiao felt hungry, she thought about the noon promise to Zhang Xu, so she quickly ran towards the dormitory.

  After she returned to the dormitory, she immediately filled the space with enough porridge and light side dishes for her and Zhang Xu, and walked towards Xiaxu's dormitory with the porridge and dishes.

   When the little girl entered the dormitory, Zhang Xu saw that the little girl was sweating on her forehead, so he took out a handkerchief and handed it to the little girl, "You're sweating, wipe it off, or you'll catch a cold easily."

  After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao put the porridge and vegetables on the table, then took the handkerchief Zhang Xu handed her, and began to wipe her sweat.

After wiping off her sweat, she put the handkerchief into her pocket and didn't return it to Zhang Xu. She used Zhang Xu's handkerchief to wipe the sweat, and she had to wash the handkerchief before returning it to Zhang Xu, otherwise she would be too nasty up.

   Zhang Xu didn't say anything after seeing the little girl's actions, but put down the book in his hand, walked to the table and sat down.

  (end of this chapter)

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