Chapter 2646 Useful is worth it

   "No need, I still have things to do, so I'll leave first."

   "Then I won't keep fourth master, and the dumb slave will send fourth master for me."

   "Let's go, we know the way, so we don't need to be escorted." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the hall.

   Seeing that Zhang Xu had left, the four monkeys nodded towards Du Xingtian and chased after Zhang Xu.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao fell asleep and returned to the cage, she felt refreshed, so she washed up and had a simple lunch, then walked towards the cafeteria with the chicken and medicinal materials.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are here, what are you going to cook today?" Mr. Zhang asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the kitchen.

   "I'm going to cook a soup, but I don't know if there is a limited stove."

   "Yes, the most indispensable thing in the cafeteria is the stove. If you look to the corner on the right, there are several stoves there. You can choose which one you want to use."

   "Thank you." After Lu Xiaoxiao thanked Mr. Zhang, she walked towards the corner where the stove was placed.

  After a while, she chose the stove. She carried the stove to the stove and lit the stove, and then went to process the medicinal materials and chicken.

After Zhang Huotou put the steamed buns on the pot, he was about to sit on the stool and rest for a while, but just as he turned his head, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao washing ginseng in the sink, and his jaw almost fell to the ground in surprise .

   "Xiaoxiao, are you planning to use ginseng to make chicken soup?" Zhang Huo turned to Lu Xiaoxiao and asked.

   "That's right, Zhang Xu was injured and needed ginseng to replenish his body. I happened to have a small ginseng in my hand, so I used it to make soup."

   "You are really willing, the ginseng in your hand can be used to hang your life, but you are using it to make soup, it is too wasteful."

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt a little uncomfortable after hearing what Zhang Hutou said. Although she knew that there was no other meaning in what Zhang Hutou said, it made her angry after all.

  So she said to Zhang Huo: "There is nothing to waste, as long as it is good for Zhang Xu's body, I think it is worth it."

  When Mr. Zhang heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and saw Lu Xiaoxiao's unhappy face, he knew it had crossed, so he smiled shyly, and went to sit on the stool to rest.

  Lu Xiaoxiao is very satisfied with Zhang Huotou's sense of humor, if Zhang Huotou is still beside her and says something, she will definitely not be able to help but hate Zhang Huotou.

  After more than two hours, the ginseng and chicken soup was ready. After Lu Xiaoxiao picked up the casserole and put it in the basket, she greeted Mr. Zhang and walked out of the kitchen with the basket.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao left, Zhou Mu approached Zhang Hutou and asked Zhang Hutou: "Master, why didn't Lu Xiaoxiao leave us something to eat today?"

   "Do you know what Lu Xiaoxiao cooked today?"

   "I know, it's chicken soup."

   "Then do you know what she uses to cook chicken soup?"

   "I don't know, when I came, Lu Xiaoxiao had already put the soup on the stove."

Hearing Zhou Mu's words, Mr. Zhang glanced at the kitchen door, and then said in a low voice, "Lu Xiaoxiao put a whole plant of ginseng in the chicken soup. The chicken soup she cooked was worth at least one hundred yuan. How do you think she would give us such expensive chicken soup."

   "Lu Xiaoxiao really used a whole ginseng to make chicken soup?" Zhou Mu asked Zhang Huo in disbelief.

   "Of course it's true. I watched her washing ginseng and putting ginseng in. Let alone Lu Xiaoxiao, we have to speed up the cooking, and it's time for dinner soon."


  (end of this chapter)

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