Chapter 2647 is back

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, seeing that Zhang Xu hadn't come back, she put the chicken soup into the space.

  After she put away the chicken soup, she checked the time and it was already 4:30 in the afternoon, so she went outside the corridor to put the clothes into the dormitory, and then sat in the dormitory to read a book.

  It was already past six o'clock in the evening when Zhang Xu returned to the base. After he got off the car, he explained to the monkey and they walked quickly towards the dormitory.

  After reading the book for more than two hours, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her neck was a little sore, so she closed the book and put it away, then reached out and kneaded her sore neck.

   Zhang Xu came to the door of the little girl's dormitory and saw that the lights in the dormitory were on. He knew that the little girl was in the dormitory, so he reached out and knocked on the door.

   "Who is it? Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing the knock on the door."

"it's me."

   "Wait a minute, I'll open the door for you right away."

   "No rush, take your time."

   "Then I will open the door for you later."


  Lu Xiaoxiao felt distressed when she heard Zhang Xu's tired voice, so she stopped teasing Zhang Xu and went to the dormitory door to open the door for Zhang Xu.

  After Zhang Xu heard the commotion in the dormitory, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, he knew that the little girl would feel sorry for him.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door of the dormitory, she said to Zhang Xu: "Come into the dormitory and sit for a while, you are tired from running all day."

   "Fortunately, it's just Che Huang's dizziness."

   "Normal, because you are weak now, and when your body recovers, this situation will not happen again."

   When Zhang Xu heard the little girl say that he was weak, his face turned dark immediately, so he said to the little girl, "I'm not weak, my body is very healthy."

   "You are obviously physically weak, and this is not a serious illness. There is nothing difficult to admit."

   "I'm not physically weak." Zhang Xu insisted and emphasized.

  Lu Xiaoxiao was taken aback by Zhang Xu's insistence, and then a thought flashed in her mind, and her face turned red involuntarily.

   "You stinky rascal, what's on your mind all day long, what I'm talking about is physically weak is different from what you think in your mind." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu angrily.

   "How do you know what's going on in my head?"

   " are so shameless."

   "Well, I'm shameless." Zhang Xu added silently in his heart how could he abduct his daughter-in-law if he was shameless.

   "Heh... I see that you are in good spirits, you can even quarrel with me, so don't eat tonight's meal, I can save another meal."

   "Are you really not going to give me food? Today I didn't eat anything other than the bowl of porridge I drank before going out. I'm very hungry now."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's pitiful words, the anger in her heart immediately dissipated, so she took out the ginseng chicken soup she cooked in the afternoon from the space and put it on the table, and said to Zhang Xu, "You have to drink it yourself."

   "Is this your chicken soup?"

   "Not me or you."

   Zhang Xu reached out and touched his nose when he heard what the little girl said, and then he picked up a spoon and a bowl to serve the soup, but the first bowl of soup he served was not for himself, but for the little girl.

   "Are you planning to borrow flowers to offer Buddha?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the chicken soup in front of her and asked Zhang Xu.

   "Yeah, I don't know if you are willing to forgive me?"

   "I don't want to, because I'm not angry with you at all, so I can't talk about forgiveness or not."

   "I take back what I said just now, drink the chicken soup quickly, or it will get cold after a while and the fishy smell will be strong."


  (end of this chapter)

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