Chapter 2651 Energy Essence

  So she asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, do you know what that thing is?"

   "If I'm not mistaken, that thing should be energy marrow."

   "Energy marrow? What? I've never heard of it."

   "It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it. It's also the first time I've seen it. If it wasn't for the introduction in the exercise book you gave me, I wouldn't be able to recognize it as an energy marrow."

   "Quickly tell me what is energy marrow and what is its use for."

"The energy marrow can be said to be the essence condensed from the power stone. Hundreds of mines may not be able to produce a single energy marrow. As for the use of the energy marrow, it is the same as the power stone, but the effect is hundreds of times stronger than the power stone. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao gasped after listening to Zhang Xu's words. She didn't expect that the energy marrow was so powerful, and the Black Panther was really lucky that he got such a treasure.

   Fortunately, he doesn't know the energy marrow, otherwise she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

"Zhang Xu, I want to get that energy marrow no matter what. I don't want such a treasure to stay with the panther. If one day the blind cat of the black leopard encounters a dead mouse and discovers the use of the energy marrow, then I will be even more grateful." I can't kill him anymore." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu.

   "Don't worry, he won't survive today."

   "That's right, why did I forget this, then let's kill people and seize treasures today, just so that no one will suspect us, the Black Panther helped us find a reason."

   "Continue to watch the play."


   Hei Panther saw that ten minutes had passed, and no one recognized what he was holding in his hand, so he felt agitated suddenly.

  Although his main purpose today is not the thing in his hand, but he wants to know what the thing in his hand is.

  It's a pity that all the bags came today, and no one recognized what he was holding in his hand, and what use they were.

   "Does anyone recognize what is in my hand?" Panther asked hypocritically to everyone in the square.

  Everyone in the square looked at me and I looked at you after hearing what Black Panther said, and then shook their heads in unison.

   "Since everyone doesn't know what I'm holding, it's not a good thing to come here. I'm really sorry to let everyone go for nothing today.

  I have had people prepare food and drinks in the hall. If you don't mind, you can go to the hall to drink and chat. "

  The dissatisfaction in the hearts of the people in the square dissipated immediately after hearing the words of the black panther, and at the same time, they felt that they were very comfortable.

   You must know that it is very difficult to drink now, so the Black Panther invited so many of them to drink because of their thoughts. Naturally, they will not ask for the trouble of the Black Panther.

   Lu Xiaoxiao saw the people on the square walking towards the hall, so he asked Zhang Xu, "Shall we follow them to the hall?"

   "Naturally, we have to go. Since the play has already started, as the main characters in the play, if we don't show up, how can they continue to sing the show."

   "Then let's go in, or I'm afraid that if I get there late, I won't have a seat."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the hall, she saw that the tables in the hall were almost full of people. Just as she was wondering which table to turn down, Zhang Xu dragged her to the left corner.

   "Why did you drag me here?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu after being pulled to a corner by Zhang Xu.

  (end of this chapter)

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