Chapter 2652 Work hard to cook

   "We will sit down after the people from the Poison Sect sit down."

   "I see, you want to sit with the Poison Sect's people, so that it will be convenient when you take action."


   "Okay, let's sit down after the Poison Sect's people take their seats. Actually, I'm curious what poison the Black Panther will use to entertain us."

   "Mongolian medicine."

   "No way, the Black Panther is engaged in such a big battle, and he uses such a painless medicine. Is he panicking?"

"He didn't panic, but his target was us, so he wouldn't touch the people who came to join in the fun today. After all, most of these people who came to join in the fun have powerful backers behind them. Even if the black panther is brainless, he dare not Offended everyone at once."

  Lu Xiaoxiao curled her lips after hearing Zhang Xu's words. She really hoped that the black panther's brain would twitch for a while and offend everyone, so that it would be much easier for her to take revenge.

   "Let's go, the Poison Sect's people have already taken their seats, and the seat next to their table is vacant, let's go and sit there."


When Du Xingtian was sitting behind him with Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu, he felt bad all over. Although he was not afraid of Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu, as long as they approached him, he would feel bad all over his body, Don't know what's going on.

  At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao had no idea that the hairs all over Du Xingtian's body stood up because of her approach, and she was studying the food on the table at the moment.

  In order to determine what kind of medicine was in each food, she directly used chopsticks to put some of each food into a bowl, and then slowly tasted it.

  After seeing the little girl's actions, Zhang Xu just wanted to stop her, but a piece of meat was stuffed into his mouth by the little girl.

"Zhang Xu, eat quickly. Today's food tastes very good. I don't know where Du Xingtian found the cook. The food is much more delicious than Zhang's cooking. You are better than Du Xingtian in terms of finding a chef." Worse."

   Zhang Xu laughed angrily when he heard the little girl's words. At what time is the little girl still thinking about a bite to eat? If it wasn't for the bad environment, he really wanted to "educate" the little girl.

   "Don't eat, these dishes must have been drugged, eating too much is bad for your health." Zhang Xu reached out and snatched the chopsticks from the little girl's hand and said.

   "No, these dishes are filled with Mongolian sweat medicine, which will not harm the body. In addition, we took anti-drug pills before, and these Mongolian sweat medicine will not harm the body, so you can eat it with confidence."

   Zhang Xu didn't say anything after hearing what the little girl said, and returned the chopsticks in his hand to the little girl, then picked up his own chopsticks and started eating.

  Seeing that Zhang Xu started to eat, Lu Xiaoxiao also started to eat quickly. Who knows when the perspiration medicine will work, so she has to hurry up and eat more.

   It takes a lot of effort to fight for a while, if she doesn't eat more, how can she have the strength to fight for a while.

  The people who came with Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu saw that Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu were working hard to cook. Although they didn't know why, it didn't prevent him from following along, so they also picked up their chopsticks and ate quickly.

Du Xingtian saw a table of people behind him working hard to cook, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently. If he was not afraid of being discovered about his relationship with Zhang Xu, he really wanted to rush to Zhang Xu and scold Zhang Xu. Asahi paused.

   Now is the tense moment, but Zhang Xu brought a group of subordinates to cook, which really **** him off.

  (end of this chapter)

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