Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2653: Pretending to be dizzy

  Chapter 2653 Pretending to be dizzy

  After eating for ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her stomach was a little full, so she put down the chopsticks in her hand and said to Zhang Xu: "I'm full, why don't those people feel dizzy?"

   "It may take a while. After all, the time of people entering the hall is different. The panther must have put in some effort on the medicine, so we just wait."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then she reached out and patted Du Xingtian who was sitting behind her when no one noticed her.

Du Xingtian was slapped suddenly by Lu Xiaoxiao, and his whole body froze. When he recovered, he looked around, and when he saw that there were people of his own, he whispered to Lu Xiaoxiao. Asked: "Is there something wrong?"

   "It's nothing, just to tell you that today's food tastes good, please let your people eat some, or you won't have the strength to fight later."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Du Xingtian asked Lu Xiaoxiao angrily, "Do you know that the dish was drugged?"

   "I know, isn't it just some Mongolian sweat medicine, which is pediatrics for you, so you can cook like us.

  Although we are here for revenge, there is no need to wrong ourselves. We should eat and drink instead of being polite to our enemies. "

  After Du Xingtian heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, he felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said was very reasonable, so he asked his subordinates to eat the antidote before eating, and he himself took the antidote to eat.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Du Xingtian and the others had started eating, she smiled with satisfaction. She should be able to rest when the fight came.

  Seeing the little girl's malicious smile, Zhang Xu knew that the little girl was suffocating again, so he asked the little girl, "What are you thinking?"

   "Hey, I saw it."

   "What do you think?"

   "Actually, I didn't have any special crooked ideas. I just found a few thugs for myself, so that I can be less tired when fighting."

After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu turned his head and looked sympathetically at the group of people who were cooking. However, his sympathy was sympathetic, but he agreed with the little girl's approach, because he didn't want the little girl to suffer, and the little girl was so soft. Huhu girls should be pampered.

Fortunately, no one knows what Zhang Xu is thinking at this moment. If someone who is familiar with Lu Xiaoxiao knows what Zhang Xu is thinking, they will all give Zhang Xu a supercilious look, and then complain that Zhang Xu is "soft and soft." The understanding of the word "huge".

  As far as the attributes of Lu Xiaoxiao's Rafflesia flower are concerned, no matter how you look at it, it is not as soft as it is soft.

   "Dizzy, someone fainted." Seeing someone fainted at the next table, Lu Xiaoxiao excitedly said to Zhang Xu.

"I saw."

   "When do you think it's better for us to faint?"

   "When one-third of the people faint, we will faint again."


   Zhang Xu saw that many people passed out one after another, so he whispered to Du Xingtian behind him: "You and your people don't need to pretend to be fainted for a while, just directly confront the black panther."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Du Xingtian agreed directly without thinking. They are members of the Poison Sect. If they pretend to be dizzy at this time, no one will believe it.

   And he didn't want to pretend to be dizzy, because that would ruin their reputation as a poison sect, so Zhang Xu was very happy to let him fight the Black Panther head-on.

   "Dizzy." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he lay down on the table.

  (end of this chapter)

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