Chapter 2663 Determine your mind

  Although Heisha was very dissatisfied with Zhang Xu's tone after hearing Zhang Xu's words, he did not attack Zhang Xu as impulsively as before.

  Because he knew that Zhang Xu was not a good traitor, before he was sure about dealing with Zhang Xu, he couldn't make a move against Zhang Xu, lest he end up being unable to step down.

   "Help... help...."

  The black panther noticed the movement at the door at the moment before he passed out, so he shouted with the last bit of strength in his body as if grabbing the last straw.

After Heisha heard what the panther said, he looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the panther covered in blood lying on the ground. If it wasn't for the panther's chest still rising and falling, he would have thought that the panther was dead .

   "Who beat the panther like this?" Heisha asked angrily.

The reason why he was so angry was not because he was so worried about the Black Panther, but that the Black Panther was the leader of their Jiuming Sect. Teach it in your eyes.

  After hearing Heisha's words, Du Xingtian turned his wheelchair and came to Heisha, and said to Heisha, "Elder Sha, it's been a long time, but I don't know if you are satisfied with this meeting gift from me?"

   "Did you fight the Black Panther?"

   "That's right, I did."

   "You are really brave. It seems that I shouldn't have let you go for a while back then, and I should have let you go with that **** and bastard."

  When Du Xingtian heard Heisha scolding his deceased wife and children, his expression became violent, so he directly sprinkled poisonous powder on Heisha.

  Heisha knew what Heisha was going to do when Duxingtian waved his hand, so he quickly backed away, easily avoiding the poisonous powder that Duxingtian sprinkled.

   "Small skills, you think you can poison me like you did back then, you are so naive."

After Du Xingtian heard Heisha's words, he ignored Heisha, but turned the wheelchair and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Lu Xiaoxiao, can you help me, as long as you help me kill the enemy, I will be you after Du Xingtian people."

   "Don't promise him." Zhang Xu frowned slightly when he heard Du Xingtian's last words.

Seeing that Zhang Xu stopped Lu Xiaoxiao from helping him, Du Xingtian became impatient. Just when he was about to promise some benefits, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao waved to him, signaling him not to speak, so he had no choice but to put The words that come to the mouth are swallowed back into the stomach.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao stopped Du Xingtian from speaking, she asked Zhang Xu, "Why don't you allow me to agree?"

   "There is no reason, anyway, you just can't agree." Zhang Xu said with reddish ears.

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu's reddish ear tips, and she suddenly became enlightened, so she approached Zhang Xu with a smile and said, "Zhang Xu, it's because of Du Xingtian's last sentence that you didn't let me Promise."

   Zhang Xu saw that his thoughts were pierced by the little girl, his ears were blushing, his eyes were even more erratic, and he didn't dare to look at the little girl.

What Lu Xiaoxiao didn't understand when she saw Zhang Xu's actions, at this moment she clearly realized that Zhang Xu liked her, the kind of liking of a lover, not the liking of a brother for a younger sister, but she didn't intend to pierce this layer. window paper.

   Firstly, it was because she was still young. Although she was in her twenties in her heart, Zhang Xu didn't know.

  The second reason is that she doesn't know how much Zhang Xu likes her, and whether she has touched love. If not, she would rather let go of her thoughts, because she is afraid that she will not be able to be a brother and sister with Zhang Xu in the end.

   After all, Zhang Xu is the only person in this world who she is willing to open her heart to.

  (end of this chapter)

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