Chapter 2664 Consent

   "I was joking with you, it seems to scare you." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu in a joking tone.

   Zhang Xu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the little girl's words. Fortunately, the little girl didn't notice his small thoughts, otherwise the little girl would definitely stay away from him, which was what he was most afraid of and the last thing he wanted to see.

  Before when he got along with the little girl, he hid his little thoughts tightly, just because he was afraid that the little girl would see the clues.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Xu relaxed after hearing her words, and the villain in her heart rolled on the ground laughing, people nowadays are so innocent.

   Du Xingtian saw that Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu had talked there for a long time, but they didn't get to the point, so he immediately became anxious.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Lu Xiaoxiao, as long as you promise to help me, then I will persuade all the people in the Poison Sect to submit to you."

   "Forget it, I can make poison myself, and the level of poison making is still higher than yours, so it's useless to ask you.

  But if your Poison Sect is willing to surrender to Zhang Xu, then I will help you avenge. "

When Du Xingtian heard the first half of Lu Xiaoxiao's sentence, his heart immediately turned cold, but when he heard the second half of Lu Xiaoxiao's sentence, his whole body was as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and he just went straight without thinking. agreed.

  In his eyes, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu are one, so his submission to Zhang Xu's subordinate is the same as his submission to Lu Xiaoxiao's subordinate.

   What's more, Zhang Xu is the fourth master who is famous in Beijing and the ancient martial arts world, so he has no reason to disagree.

  Seeing that Du Xingtian agreed to her proposal, Lu Xiaoxiao found Du Xingtian pleasing to her eyes, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, I recruited a team for you, are you serious?"


   "Hey... I also think I'm very good, so I'm going to finish it. We have been here for nearly seven hours. If we don't solve the problem quickly, it will be dark when we go down the mountain."

   "Leave the next thing to me, just sit and rest."

   "That won't work, Du Xingtian reached a cooperation agreement with me, so I must solve the matter, and people must keep their promises."

After Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, although he was very reluctant for the little girl to take risks, but he understood the little girl's temper, so he didn't stop the little girl, but he still threw a cold look at the culprit, and almost didn't Scare the other party to death.

Seeing that Zhang Xu agreed to let her finish, Lu Xiaoxiao walked up to Heisha and said to Heisha, "Heisha, Du Xingtian is now my subordinate, what you want to do to him must be approved by me. "

   "Hahaha...Little girl, you look like you have just been weaned, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, lest you get into trouble."

   "Oh, it sounds like that, but I'm the most defensive person, and I'm not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble, so you just let it go."

   "It's really ignorant, but I never fight with children, so if you don't want to die, just go away."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's face immediately turned dark when she heard Heisha's words. The first thing she hates is when people point her fingers at her, and the second thing she hates is when people tell her to go away.

  In the previous life, her good parents told him to let her go the most since she was a child, so he had a deep-rooted resistance and disgust for this sentence.

   Zhang Xu, who was always paying attention to the little girl's every move, saw that the little girl's mood became wrong, so he immediately walked behind the little girl and stood still, then said to the little girl, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

  (end of this chapter)

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