Chapter 2665 Retribution for revenge

  The hostility in Lu Xiaoxiao's heart dissipated instantly after hearing Zhang Xu's comforting words, so she turned her head to Zhang Xu and said, "I'm fine, I just remembered some unpleasant things just now, so I didn't control my emotions well."

   Zhang Xu felt even more distressed when he saw the little girl deliberately pretending to be relaxed in order not to make him sad.

  So he slapped Heisha flying with his palm when no one expected it, causing Heisha to hit the gate hard.

   "Puff...cough cough...."

  After Heisha slid from the door to the ground, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then he coughed non-stop. He knew that he had suffered a serious internal injury.

   "Didn't you say I was here to solve it? How did you do it?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu.

   "Damn him."

   "Okay, since you have done everything, I will leave the rest to you."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he walked towards Heisha.

When Du Xingtian saw Zhang Xu walking towards Heisha, he quickly turned his wheelchair to follow. When he saw that Zhang Xu was about to make a move, he hurriedly said to Zhang Xu: "Fourth Master, can you give me the man? I want to take revenge with my own hands. "

   Zhang Xu looked at Du Xingtian in disgust after hearing Du Xingtian's words, then stopped and turned and walked towards the little girl.

When Du Xingtian left Zhang Xu's mouth, he looked at Heisha lying on the ground like a dead dog, and said to Heisha with a distorted expression: "Heisha, you didn't expect that you would have today, right? Qing didn't harm my wife and children, but I know you were responsible for my wife's and children's death.

  So today I use your life to lay the foundation of my dead wife and children. After Du Xingtian finished speaking, he took out a dagger, left it on Heisha's body and stabbed wildly.

  After stabbing Heisha more than ten times in a row, he saw that Heisha was dead and could not die any more, so he dragged Heisha towards the panther.

  When he brought Heisha to the panther, he raised the dagger and stabbed the panther in the heart.

   As soon as the black panther woke up, he saw Du Xingtian stabbing him with a dagger in his hand. Unfortunately, he was so seriously injured that he didn't have any strength to block the dagger, so he just watched the dagger stab into his heart.

  Then he completely closed his eyes with deep resentment.

   Du Xingtian looked at the two corpses lying side by side, and he felt that the shackles that had been pressing on his heart for several years were completely released.

  So he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha...hahaha...I finally got my revenge, I finally got my revenge."

  After hearing Du Xingtian's words, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Du Xingtian's agitated look, and knew that Du Xingtian would not be able to calm down after a while together.

  She asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, now that the head of the Jiuming Sect has all died, what should the remaining members of the Jiuming Sect do?"

   Zhang Xu didn't answer immediately after hearing what the little girl said, because she didn't know how to arrange the rest of the Jiuming Sect.

Seeing that Zhang Xu didn't speak for a long time, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that Zhang Xu didn't know how to arrange the rest of the Jiuming Sect, so she walked to the remaining elders and asked them: "You are all Jiuming sects. The elders who teach?"

"Yes, it is."

   "Now Jiumingjiao has no headed family members. Do you want to disband on the spot or re-elect a headed family member?"

   "We want to disband directly. The current Jiuming Sect is no longer the former Jiuming Sect. It is useless to keep it. Instead of this, it is better to disband directly and let everyone return to normal life."

  (end of this chapter)

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