Chapter 2666 Private Treasury

  Lu Xiaoxiao was very satisfied with the answers of the elders, so she directly asked the elders to gather the remaining members of the Jiuming Sect and tell them about the disbandment of the Jiuming Sect.

   Let them leave the Nine Nether Sect as quickly as possible, otherwise if those fainted people wake up later, they will not be able to leave even if they want to.

   Half an hour later, all the members of Jiuming Sect left. Lu Xiaoxiao was about to leave with Zhang Xu and the others when Du Xingtian stopped her.

   "What's the matter?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Du Xingtian.

   "You didn't take something with you."

   "What? How come I don't know?"

   "Black Panther's Private Vault."

  Lu Xiaoxiao immediately became excited after hearing Du Xingtian's words, so she asked the monkey to drug the people in the hall, and then followed Du Xingtian towards the private vault of the black panther.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Du Xingtian stop in front of a well. She looked at Du Xingtian suspiciously and said, "You don't think that the private warehouse of the black panther is under this well."

"That's right, the Black Panther's private warehouse is located under this well, and I discovered it by accident, but the entrance must be more than the wellhead, but I don't know where the other entrances are, so I can only take you from the wellhead go in."

After hearing Du Xingtian's words, Lu Xiaoxiao's doubts deepened. She always felt that Du Xingtian's heart was suffocating, so she said to Du Xingtian, "I won't go down the well. If you want something, let your people Go down and move."

  The smile on Du Xingtian's face froze when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's refusal. Originally, he planned to ask Lu Xiaoxiao to lead people to help them open the way, so that their casualties would be reduced.

   Didn't expect Lu Xiaoxiao to refuse like this, disrupting all his plans.

Seeing the change in the expression on Du Xingtian's face, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that she had guessed right just now. Du Xingtian was really holding back in his heart. It seems that Du Xingtian is very dishonest. Let Zhang Xu practice him a few times. Only then, let Du Xingtian understand what obedience is.

   Don't always play tricks in front of them and calculate them.

   "Don't you want the things in the Black Panther's private vault? Why don't you go down and get them?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Du Xingtian.

   Du Xingtian laughed awkwardly when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said, "I'll let someone go down and get it."

   "Hurry up, or those people should wake up."

   "Okay." After Du Xingtian finished speaking, he immediately sent people down the well to fetch things.

   An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at a dozen boxes, large and small, placed by the well. After the people from Du Xingtian opened the boxes, she leaned over to take a look, and then clicked her tongue twice.

After Du Xingtian heard Lu Xiaoxiao's tsk-tsk sound, he thought that Lu Xiaoxiao had taken a fancy to something, so he said generously (heartache) to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Those who see it have a share, just take whatever you like. .”

   "What you said is true?"

   "Nature is true."

   "That's fine, I won't be polite to you, I really like two boxes of things."

  After Du Xingtian heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he thought that what Lu Xiaoxiao was looking for was those two boxes of things that would help his cultivation, and he immediately regretted it.

  But he has already said what he said, and there is no way to change it. He can only grit his teeth and ask, "Which two boxes?"

   "Just the two boxes in front of me, I wonder if you can give up?" Lu Xiaoxiao pointed to the two boxes in front of her.

  (end of this chapter)

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