Chapter 2672 Lobster

   "Uncle Ke... Uncle Ke, are you there?" Lu Xiaoxiao called out without seeing Ke Baiwei when she walked into the dining room.

  Ke Baiwei originally wanted to go out to the black market to buy some food, but as soon as he entered the room, he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's voice, so he quickly replied: "Yes."

   "So Uncle Ke is here, I thought Uncle Ke wasn't here just now."

   "Why do you have time to come to me?" Ke Baiwei came out of the room and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Of course I missed Uncle Ke, so I came here."

   "Hehe... I think you don't miss me, but my craftsmanship."

   "Uncle Ke, don't tell me if you see through, or you will lose my lovely niece."

   "I don't see how cute you are."

   "You will see it right away." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she put the ingredients she brought on the table and put them on the table, then opened the bag containing the ingredients, and took out the things one by one.

  When Ke Baiwei saw Lu Xiaoxiao take out the first thing, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, but as Lu Xiaoxiao took out things one after another, he was so shocked that he became numb.

  In the past, the things that Lu Xiaoxiao brought out were not so rare, but now that Lu Xiaoxiao takes out these things, it is simply a big deal.

   "Uncle Ke, do you think I'm cute now?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Ke Baiwei after taking out the last thing from the bag.

"Lovely, you are the cutest girl I've ever seen, but can you tell me where you got these things? Especially the big lobster, this season is not the time to eat big lobster, plus we It's not close to the sea, and it's even more difficult to get lobsters."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't panic at all when she heard Ke Baiwei's words. When she was preparing the big lobster, she knew that Ke Baiwei would ask, so she had already figured out how to deal with it.

So she said to Ke Bai, "Uncle Ke, this lobster was brought to me by a friend from the south. He spent a lot of effort to bring this lobster. Fortunately, the lobster is still alive when it arrives in Beijing, otherwise It doesn't taste good when you're dead."

  Ke Baiwei believed Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because he had asked someone to bring seafood from the south before, but he didn't bring big lobster.

Seeing that Ke Baiwei believed what she said, Lu Xiaoxiao twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and then said to Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, what do you think you should eat this big lobster, I have never eaten a big lobster before, and my My friend said that this big lobster should be eaten as soon as possible, otherwise it will die, so let's eat it at noon today."

   "It's okay to eat at noon today, but you brought so many dishes, we can't finish it at noon."

   "It's okay, all I brought today is meat, please Uncle Ke help me sauce all the meat, I can give it away or take it home to eat."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ke Baiwei felt that Lu Xiaoxiao's method was feasible, so he walked towards the kitchen with the big lobster in one hand and the meat in the other.

  After Ke Baiwei went to the kitchen to cook, Lu Xiaoxiao took the tea set Ke Baiwei used to drink tea from the cabinet, and sat at the table to drink tea leisurely.

   She didn't put down her teacup and walked towards the kitchen until the smell came out from the kitchen one after another.

   "Why did you come in?" Ke Baiwei asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the kitchen.

  (end of this chapter)

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