Chapter 2673 It smells so good

   "Uncle Ke's cooking is so delicious, I couldn't take it anymore, so I went into the kitchen."

  Ke Baiwei heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and then saw Lu Xiaoxiao's greedy little cat, he couldn't help feeling funny, so he took a bowl and put a few pieces of lo mei into the bowl, and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the bowl that Ke Baiwei handed her, she said thank you to Ke Baiwei, and then returned to the dining room with the bowl, and ate the lo-mei happily.

  When she put the last piece of stewed meat into her mouth, she saw the monkey sniffing like a dog, walking towards the living room while wriggling its nose.

   "Master Xiao, what were you eating just now? Why do you think so?" Seeing an empty bowl in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, the monkey asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Lo mei."

   "Is there any more? Can I have some to try?"

   "Yes, there is still a big pot in the kitchen. If you want to eat, ask Uncle Ke for it."

   "Forget it, I will ask for it and he will definitely not give it to me. I'll eat it when I eat."

   "Then you can eat it when you are eating. Let me tell you a secret. There is a big dish today. I guarantee that you have never eaten it or seen it before."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey immediately sat up straight excitedly, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "What dish?"

   "You will know in a while, and you can't imagine what it looks like after I say it now, because you haven't seen it."

   "Okay, but when is dinner?"

   "Let me ask, you guys drink tea." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she got up and walked towards the kitchen.

   Zhang Xu saw the little girl walking towards the kitchen, so he followed the little girl towards the kitchen.

  The monkey originally wanted to go to the kitchen with him, but he was stopped by the gray cat when he stood up, so he had to sit down and drink tea with the gray cat.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao entered the kitchen, she happened to see Ke Baiwei bringing the steamed lobster out of the pot, so she asked Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, when can we have dinner?"

   "In five minutes, since you're here, take out the dishes on the stove."


  Monkey saw Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu coming out of the kitchen with dishes, so he quickly called the gray cat to put away the tea set together.

  After he put away the tea set, he saw that the dish Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu brought out was a platter of sauced beef and stewed meat, and he swallowed involuntarily.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the monkey's appearance, she said to the monkey speechlessly: "It will be ready in five minutes. You should arrange the bowls and chopsticks first, and Zhang Xu and I will continue to serve the food."


   When Zhang Xu went to the kitchen with the little girl, he asked the little girl, "Have you gone to the black market?"


   "So where did you get the lobster?"

   "A gift from a friend."

   Zhang Xu's eyes flickered when he heard the little girl's words. He knew that the little girl was not telling the truth, but he didn't intend to go into it. As long as there was no danger to the little girl, he was willing to turn a blind eye to some things.

   And he believes that the little girl will tell him all the secrets one day, so he is not in a hurry.

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that Zhang Xu had thought so much because of her words. At this moment, all her thoughts were taken away by the big lobster in the kitchen. Since she came here, she has never eaten garlic lobster again. , today she wants to satisfy her cravings, who told her that there is no ready-made garlic lobster in her space.

  (end of this chapter)

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