Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2674: very satisfying to eat

  Chapter 2674 Eating so satisfying

"Girl Xiao, the last dish is ready. Hurry up and bring the rest of the dish to the dining room with Zhang Xu, otherwise the lobster will taste bad when it's cold." After pouring a spoonful of hot oil on the lobster, Ke Baiwei turned towards Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu who walked into the kitchen said.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded heavily after hearing Ke Baiwei's words, and then she took Ke Baiwei to serve the dishes.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao sat down at the table. Seeing that the table was full of her favorite dishes, she couldn't help sticking out her little tongue and licking her lower lip.

Zhang Xu saw the little girl's small movements in his eyes, and a dark and inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, but he quickly restrained his emotions, and at the moment everyone's eyes were caught by the garlic on the table. Shrimp was attracted, so no one noticed his brief mood change.

  Seeing everyone staring at the garlic lobster, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, can we have dinner?"


   "Then you eat quickly, I will eat after you take the first bite."

   " taught so many rules at a young age, who taught you?"

   "Of course the elders of the family." Lu Xiaoxiao replied without thinking.

  In her previous life, her grandfather taught her etiquette and the way of dealing with people. Her grandfather was the young master of a rich family, so when he raised her, he always raised her according to the standard of a lady.

  Although she didn't pay much attention when she was studying, she knew everything she should know, and she knew what she should know, but she was not good at it.

After taking a bite of the food, Ke Baiwei saw Lu Xiaoxiao sitting there in a daze, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao girl, I have already eaten the food, if you don't eat the food again, you will be eaten by the monkeys." It's over."

  After hearing Ke Baiwei's words, Lu Xiaoxiao came back to her senses immediately. She saw that no one had moved the chopsticks on the big lobster, so she quickly picked up a piece of lobster meat with the chopsticks and put it into her mouth.

  In an instant, her taste buds were conquered by the fresh and tender lobster meat, so after she finished eating the shrimp meat in her mouth, she quickly put another piece of shrimp meat into her mouth.

  Although the monkey and the gray cat had never seen a big lobster, they could tell from the enjoyment expression on Lu Xiaoxiao's face that the big lobster was delicious, so they quickly put a piece of lobster meat into their mouths.

  In an instant, their taste buds were also conquered by the fresh and tender lobster meat.

   No one finished speaking in the following time, because everyone was eating the dishes on the table quickly, fearing that the speed would slow down and the dishes would be finished by others.

More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth with her hands and hiccupped, then said to the monkey and the gray cat: "I will leave the bowls and chopsticks to you, I bought the ingredients, and Uncle Ke cooked the dishes. You don't eat free food, do you?"

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey and the gray cat looked at Zhang Xu, who was sitting as firmly as Mount Tai. They really wanted to ask Lu Xiaoxiao what Zhang Xu was going to do, but unfortunately they didn't have the guts to ask, so they quickly cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, Take it to the kitchen to wash.

  After the monkey and the gray cat left, Zhang Xu asked the little girl, "What do I need to do?"

   "You don't have to do anything, just sit and rest."

   "No, I don't want to be a freeloader."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was so choked up that she couldn't say a word after hearing Zhang Xu's words. If she had known that she would not have said those words just now, where would she find work for Zhang Xu now?

   "Make us a pot of tea. I ate too much meat just now, and now my stomach feels a little uncomfortable." Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's tangled look, Ke Baiwei opened his mouth to make a relief.

  (end of this chapter)

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