Chapter 2675 Drinking tea

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly after hearing what Ke Baiwei said: "Yes, yes, you make us tea. I haven't drunk the tea you made for a long time."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he stood up, walked to the cabinet, took the coffee table off the cabinet, and then brought the coffee table to the table to make tea for the little girl.

After a while he made the tea, but he didn't give the first cup of tea to the little girl, but to Ke Baiwei. The dishes made by Ke Baiwei today made the little girl very happy. He didn't mind giving the first cup of tea The tea is for Ke Baiwei to drink.

  Ke Baiwei felt flattered when Zhang Xu handed him the first cup of tea he made, but he quickly took the tea in Zhang Xu's hand.

   You must know that few people in Beijing can drink the tea made by Zhang Xu. If it weren't for Lu Xiaoxiao, he might not be able to drink the tea made by Zhang Xu in his life, let alone the first cup of tea.

  After Ke Baiwei took the tea, Zhang Xu picked up another cup of tea and handed it to the little girl.

  He picked up the last cup of tea and tasted it when the little girl took the tea.

  Well, the craftsmanship has not deteriorated, and it is still acceptable.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao and Ke Baiwei drank the tea made by Zhang Xu, they felt that their mouths were filled with the fragrance of tea, and they felt extremely refreshed.

  So the two of them put the cup in front of Zhang Xu in unison, the meaning was obvious.

   Zhang Xu looked at the two cups in front of him and raised his eyebrows. If Ke Baiwei put the cups in front of him alone, he would not even lift his eyelids, let alone make tea.

  But at the moment there was a little girl who put the cup in front of him, so he could only let Ke Baiwei enjoy the little girl's favor.

When Ke Baiwei saw that Zhang Xu had started making tea, he knew he had made the right bet. If Lu Xiaoxiao hadn't put the cup in front of Zhang Xu, he wouldn't have put the cup on Zhang Xu even if he wanted to drink the tea made by Zhang Xu. In front of Xu, because he knew he couldn't drink.

  After Zhang Xu made the second round of tea, he directly poured two cups for the little girl. As for Ke Baiwei, there was only one cup.

  Ke Baiwei didn't care about Zhang Xu's different treatment. He was already very satisfied that he could have another cup of tea with Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao drank two cups of tea, she checked the time and it was past one o'clock, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Are you still going to do something in the afternoon?"


   "Then let's go together, I also want to find a friend and tell her that I'm going back to Harbin."

   "Who are you looking for?" Zhang Xu asked after hearing what the little girl said.

   "Jin Jing, you should still have an impression of her."


   "Let's go." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the dining room.

   "Wait, Xiao girl, don't leave, you said you are going back to Harbin City?"

   "That's right, is Uncle Ke's letter ready?"

   "It's already written, but I want to make some food for you to bring to those two old guys for me."

   "Okay, Uncle Ke, just do it, no matter how much food you cook, I will help you bring it to them."


  The monkey and the gray cat came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu walking towards the outside of the dining room. They hurriedly asked Zhang Xu, "Boss, where are you and Lu Xiaoxiao going?"

   "You are following the plan."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the base, she said to Zhang Xu: "I'm going to find Jin Jing, see you tonight."


   After Zhang Xu watched the little girl leave, he returned to the square of the base, then drove out of the base, and drove towards the direction of the Poison Sect.

  (end of this chapter)

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