Chapter 2676 Identity

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the post office, she saw that no one was using the phone at the post office, so she walked over and picked up the phone to dial.

   "Hello, is Jin Jing there?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after the call was connected.

   "Yes, I'll call someone for you right now."


   "Jin Jing...Jin Jing, someone is calling for you, hurry up and answer the phone." Liu Mei shouted to Jin Jing who was still sleeping upstairs.

   "Who is it?"

   "It's a girl, I didn't ask her name."

   "I'll come right away." After Jin Jing finished speaking, she got up and got dressed.

  After she got dressed, she ran downstairs immediately, sat by the phone after a while, picked up the microphone and gave a hello before she could catch her breath.

  Lu Xiaoxiao heard the conversation between Jin Jing and Liu Mei through the microphone just now, so she said directly to Jin Jing: "I'm Lu Xiaoxiao, I want to ask if you are free today, and I want to treat you to dinner."

   "Are you free? I'm free all day today. When can we meet?"

   "Just now, I'll wait for you at the gate of the post office."

   "Okay, see you in half an hour." After Jin Jing finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

   Liu Mei hasn't seen Jin Jing so happy for a long time, so she asked Jin Jing, "Who is looking for you? Make you so happy."

   "Xiaoxiao, who else could it be."

   "Didn't you say that the person named Lu Xiaoxiao lied to you, and the information he told you was all false?" Liu Mei frowned after hearing Jin Jing's words.

"Hey, I misunderstood Xiaoxiao. The reason why Xiaoxiao didn't receive the things and letters I sent was because Xiaoxiao moved. Now Xiaoxiao lives in the county instead of the village, so naturally she didn't receive it. Something I sent."

   "How can you guarantee that what she said this time is not lying to you?"

   "Of course I can guarantee it. Xiao Xiao is the younger sister recognized by the fourth master. Just because of this, I believe what she says."

  Liu Mei was so shocked that she couldn't think when she heard Jin Jing's words, she never thought that Lu Xiaoxiao would be the sister that Zhang Xu recognized.

  Although she had heard many people say that Zhang Xu recognized a younger sister, it was impossible for them to know who Zhang Xu recognized as his younger sister.

   No, how did Jin Jing know that Lu Xiaoxiao was Zhang Xu's sister? Could it be that Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to use her status as the fourth master's sister to increase her own status so as to get close to their family? If so, the matter would be serious.

  So she asked Jin Jing: "Jin Jing, who told you that Lu Xiaoxiao is Zhang Xu's younger sister?"

"Yuan Yan told me, and I've seen Xiaoxiao and Fourth Master walking together, so Xiaoxiao must be Fourth Master's younger sister, but Xiaoxiao never mentioned to me that she is Fourth Master's younger sister, So I didn't mention this in front of Xiaoxiao."

   After listening to Jin Jing's words, Liu Mei believed that Lu Xiaoxiao was the younger sister recognized by the fourth master, because the original family was a first-class family in Beijing, so it was not surprising that they knew who the younger sister Zhang Xu recognized.

   In addition, Jin Jing saw Lu Xiaoxiao and Fourth Master walking together with her own eyes, which made her even more sure that Lu Xiaoxiao was Fourth Master's younger sister.

  Because as far as she knew, fourth master hated women the most. If Lu Xiaoxiao wasn't the younger sister that fourth master recognized, fourth master would definitely not let Lu Xiaoxiao walk by his side.

Thinking of this, Liu Mei glanced at Jin Jing with admiration. Her daughter is really a fool. She has become good friends with the sister Zhang Xu recognized without knowing it. Even she is a little envious of Jin Jing. luck.

  (end of this chapter)

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