Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2701: want something back (1)

  Chapter 2701 Want something back (1)

  Lu Xiaoxiao's head was full of black lines after hearing Fan Lao's words. She didn't expect that Foreman Xie would give up his favorite wine because of his stutter, but thinking of Ke Baiwei's cooking skills, it seems that giving up the wine is not a bad loss.

   "Second Master, I don't need to take the dried fish, but you have to let me taste the dried fish." Lu Xiaoxiao thanked the foreman.

  Hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Foreman Xie jumped out of a large bag of small dried fish and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said: "You can only taste this one, and I can't give you the others."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she reached out to take the small dried fish that Foreman Xie handed her, and then quickly ate it into her mouth, because she was afraid that Foreman Xie would regret it if she was slow.

Foreman Xie said to Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao finished eating the dried fish, "It's delicious, so Ke Tiaozuo can say that the dried fish is so delicious, even if it's cold, it's crispy and crispy, if it wasn't In this way, I wouldn't have exchanged a jar of good wine and Ke Tiaozui for a plate of dried fish."

   "It's really delicious. When I was in Beijing, Uncle Ke didn't even make small dried fish for me to eat."

"It's normal for him not to cook small fish for you to eat, because he doesn't like to kill small fish, he hates trouble, and he hates killing other people's fish, so if you want him to make small fish for you, you must give him something he is satisfied with. He will make small dried fish for you to eat."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after listening to Mr. Xie's words, indicating that she knew, then she picked out a few pieces of cakes and wrapped them in oiled paper, and said to Mr. Fan: "Masters, it's getting late now, I'll Let’s go back first, remember to put away the bag of grain on the ground.”

   "Be careful when you go back."

   "I know Master, I will be careful." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the house.

After foreman Xie confirmed that Lu Xiaoxiao had gone far away, he took out the bottle of wine he had hidden, and then greeted the three people sitting on the kang: "Xiao girl has gone far away, you stop pretending there, come down quickly Drink and eat meat."

  After hearing Foreman Xie's words, the old three of Fan immediately got off the kang and put on their shoes, because they were afraid that all the delicious food would go into Foreman Xie's stomach if it was too late.

  It was almost ten o'clock when Lu Xiaoxiao came home. Today she was tired all day, and now she didn't want to do anything, so she went into the space to take a soothing essential oil bath, and went straight to bed.

At 7:30 the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao was woken up by chirping birds, because it was already the end of March and almost April, so the weather was not as cold as before. The air with the fragrance of green grass is very comfortable.

  After she stood in front of the window and took a breath of fresh air, she closed the window and went into the space to wash up.

  After washing up, she ate breakfast in the space, took her backpack out of the space and walked downstairs.

  Today she plans to go to Tianshui Village, ask the village chief to return the letters and packages that Jin Jing sent her, and drop by Liu Ermei's house to tell Liu Ermei that she is back.

  After more than forty minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao came to Tianshui Village. Seeing that the villagers of Tianshui Village were already working in the fields, she knew that the spring plowing had begun, so instead of going to the captain's house, she walked towards the brigade's office.

  Because the captain will definitely not be at home at this time, he is either in the field or in the brigade office, so she plans to go to the brigade office first.

  (end of this chapter)

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