Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2702: want something back (2)

  Chapter 2702 Want something back (2)

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the brigade office, she saw that the door of the brigade office was closed, so she waited outside the brigade office with her bicycle.

  After waiting for more than ten minutes, she saw that no one came to the brigade office, so she planned to go to Liu Ermei's house. Today is Sunday, and Liu Ermei should be at home.

  When she came to Liu Ermei's house, she saw Liu Ermei and three sisters coming out of the house with their backs on their backs. From their appearance, she knew that they were going to cut pigweed.

  So she waved to Second Sister Liu and said, "Second Sister, wait for me, I'll leave the car at your house."

Liu Ermei, who was locking the door, suddenly heard someone calling her, the voice was very familiar, she turned her head and looked back, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao who was waving at her, so excited that she didn't even bother to lock the door, He ran directly towards Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are back, I miss you so much." Second Sister Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao when she ran in front of Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I miss you too, so I'll come and see it as soon as I get back."

   "Let's go, go to my house and sit for a while, you must be tired from cycling from the county to Tianshui Village."

   "I'm not tired, but my **** hurts a little bit."

   "Then you walk more, don't stretch the nerves in the buttocks, otherwise the buttocks will hurt for several days."

   "I know, you go and cut pigweed, I came to your house to leave the bicycle at your house for a while."

   "You can cut the pigweed in the afternoon. You finally came to my house, and I will chat with you no matter what."

   "We spend a lot of time chatting. I plan to have dinner at your house at noon, so hurry up and cut pigweed with the third and fourth younger sisters. I just happen to have something to do."

   "Well, remember to come to my house for dinner at noon."

   "Don't worry, I will definitely finish eating at your house at noon. Don't forget that my bicycle is still at your house. If I don't come to your house, I won't be able to go back to the county."

   "That's right, then my third and fourth younger sisters and I went to cut pigweed, and you should go and do your business."

   "Okay, then I'll take care of things." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the yard.

After she left Second Sister Liu's house, she thought about it for a while and decided to go to the field first. If she saw the captain, she would ask the captain for something. If the captain was not at the field, he had no choice but to go to the captain's house. .

  Although she really didn't want to go to the captain's house, as long as she thought of the things that Jin Jing sent her being swallowed by the captain's family, she would feel as disgusted as if she had eaten a fly.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the uncle near the field, she released her mental power and began to look for the captain. Unfortunately, she did not find the captain on the field side. It seems that she must go to the captain's house.

  Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she saw Gouzi Liu running towards her, so she stood there and waited for Gouzi Liu to arrive.

  When Liu Gouzi ran in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, he didn't bother to catch his breath and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, you are back. Brother Biao is going crazy because you haven't come back for so long."

   "Where is Liu Biao now?"

"at home."

   "Okay, I'll go to Liu Biao now."

   "Go, I'm off to work." After Liu Gouzi finished speaking, he turned and ran towards the field.

  Lu Xiaoxiao turned around and walked towards Liu Biao's house when Liu Gouzi was completely out of sight. It seemed that she had to go to the village head's house later to ask for something.

  (end of this chapter)

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