Chapter 2711 The ability to hunt

   When Second Sister Liu came to the yard, she saw that Mrs. Liu had already killed two chickens, so she went over and picked up a chicken and said to Mrs. Liu, "Mom, tonight we will eat roasted chicken with potatoes and pancakes."

   "Okay, you can go directly to my room to get cornmeal, remember to bring more cornmeal, we can't just take advantage of Xiaoxiao."

   "I see." After Liu Ermei finished speaking, she took the chicken and walked towards the kitchen.

After Lu Xiaoxiao finished making the fire, she saw Second Sister Liu walking into the kitchen with a chicken, so she said to Second Sister Liu, "Second Sister, you take too little chicken, go and get another chicken, or it won't be enough for me." eat."

   "Xiaoxiao, the pheasants you hunted today are very fat, and each one weighs about four catties. It is enough to burn one."

   "Not enough, you go and bring in another chicken."

   "Enough, there are still a lot of dishes left at noon."

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Second Sister Liu really didn't intend to go to the yard to get chickens, and she didn't ask Second Sister Liu to go to the yard to get chickens, but walked towards the yard by herself.

   Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards her, Mrs. Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you?"

   "I'm here to get the chicken. One chicken isn't enough for me to eat, so I'll get another one."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Mrs. Liu knew that Lu Xiaoxiao was afraid that the chicken would not be enough for their family, so she cooked two chickens.

  She just wanted to stop Lu Xiaoxiao from taking the chicken, but she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was already walking towards the kitchen with the chicken, so she had to sit and continue killing the chicken.

  After Liu Ermei brought cornmeal from the room, she saw Lu Xiaoxiao walking into the kitchen with a chicken, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, do you really want to cook two chickens?"

   "Of course it's true, make the noodles quickly, I'm starting to chop the chicken." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she picked up the kitchen knife and chopped the chicken.

   Mrs. Liu came to the kitchen after killing the chicken, and saw Liu Ermei and Lu Xiaoxiao were shoveling pancakes, so she stepped forward and said, "Second sister, you and Xiaoxiao go to the main room to rest, and I will do the rest."

   "Aunt Liu, it's better for you to go to the main room to rest, you are tired enough from killing chickens, so leave the serving of vegetables to me and my second sister." tu

   "Xiaoxiao is right, Mom, go to the main room to rest. If you really can't take it easy, go to the door to see if my dad is back."

   "Okay, let me see if your dad is back. Be careful when you shovel pancakes, don't burn your hands."


  When Mrs. Liu came to the gate of the courtyard, she happened to see Liu Pingjiang walking towards her, so she went up to meet Liu Pingjiang and said, "Master, Xiaoxiao came to our house today."

   "Come as soon as you come, as long as you treat me well."

   "I'm not talking about entertaining, I just want to tell you about Xiaoxiao going hunting in the back mountain in the afternoon. You said how brave Xiaoxiao is, to dare to go hunting in the back mountain alone."

   "Xiao Xiao is not brave, but has strength. Don't forget who hunted the most prey during the winter hunting last winter."

   "Hey, if you don't remind me, I really forgot about it. Who do you think Xiaoxiao learned her hunting skills from? It's too good."

   "I don't know this, but Xiaoxiao's hunting skills are not something everyone can learn."

   "I know, I didn't ask you to learn hunting, why are you in a hurry."

   "I'm not in a hurry, I'm just hungry, and I ate a steamed bun at noon."

   Mrs. Liu heard that her man was hungry, so she didn't bother to continue talking about Lu Xiaoxiao, so she dragged her man to the main room.

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  (end of this chapter)

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