Chapter 2712 Go home in the middle of the night

  Second Sister Liu saw that her parents had returned, so she turned to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you are going to sit on the kang soon, and you can have dinner."


  After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and it was past seven o'clock, so she said to Liu Pingjiang, "Uncle Pingjiang, it's getting late, so I'll go back first."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Liu Pingjiang saw that the sky outside was so dark that he couldn't see anything. He was worried that Lu Xiaoxiao would go back to the county alone, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, why don't you stay here tonight?" Sleep at my place for the night and come home tomorrow morning."

   "No Uncle Pingjiang, I will go back now, I am familiar with the road from Tianshui Village to the county seat, nothing will happen.

   What's more, I came here by bicycle, and I will go back by bicycle when I go back. The speed is not slower than that of an ox cart, and I can return to the county seat soon. "

   Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao insisted on going back, Liu Pingjiang thought for a moment and said, "I'll take you back to the county seat."

   "No, no, I can really do it alone. My skills can even deal with wolves, so if someone dares to commit a crime in front of me, I will definitely beat them to pieces."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu thought of how Lu Xiaoxiao killed wild boars, so she said to Liu Pingjiang, "Dad, let Xiaoxiao go back to the county seat. I have seen Xiaoxiao fight wild boars, so Xiaoxiao If you meet a bad guy, it must be that bad guy, not Xiaoxiao."

   "Okay, since you all said that, I won't stop you, but Xiaoxiao, you still have to be careful when you go back.

   If you are really unlucky and encounter bad guys, ride the bike as fast as possible so that those bad guys can't catch up with you. "

   "I see, then I will go first, and you can go to my house to play when you are free."


   "Xiaoxiao, wait a moment, you forgot to take your things away." Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao walking out of the hall, Mrs. Liu hurriedly said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao stopped after hearing what Mrs. Liu said, and asked Mrs. Liu, "What is it?"

   "Pheasant, you must not forget the pheasant you hunted in the afternoon."

   "Hehe... how could I forget, those are all meat." Lu Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly and said.

   "Wait, I'll get you the pheasant right away." After speaking, Mrs. Liu walked towards the kitchen with a basket.

  After a while, she returned to the main room with the pannier containing the pheasant, then handed the pan to Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "I put the pheasant in the pannier for you, so that it will be more convenient for you to ride a bicycle."

   "Thank you, Aunt Liu." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took the pannier that Mrs. Liu handed over and carried it on her back, and then walked out of the main room.

   Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was about to leave, Second Sister Liu quickly got off the kang and followed Lu Xiaoxiao towards the outside of the main room.

After Lu Xiaoxiao pushed the bicycle out of the yard, she said to Second Sister Liu who was following her: "Second Sister, I planted the herbs I picked today in the corner behind the yard, remember to look at those herbs tomorrow morning , and write down their appearance, so that when you go to pick herbs, you will not pick the wrong one."

   "I see, be careful when you go back."

   "Okay, you go in quickly, I'm leaving."

   "I'll wait until you leave before going in."

  After hearing what Liu Ermei said, Lu Xiaoxiao got on the bicycle, then she waved her hand at Liu Ermei, and rode the bicycle towards the direction of the county.

   Thank you Huanm and Laowantong for your rewards, I love you



  (end of this chapter)

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