Chapter 2716 I found a good thing

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the scrap yard, she saw that the gatekeeper was still the old man from before, so she walked up to the old man and said, "Master, long time no see."

   "It's been a long time, what are you going to find this time?"

   "I want to find some books and newspapers to read. I'm going to school this year, so I want to read more books."

   "If you are ambitious, you can go in and look for books and newspapers. I will watch the door for you."

   "Thank you, sir." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked towards the scrap yard.

The first thing she entered was the room where paper waste was stored. After searching for a while, she saw that there was nothing of value, so she found a few books and two stacks of newspapers that were still in good condition and put them at the door. Then she He walked towards the room where the porcelain was placed.

  When she entered the room where the porcelain was kept, she felt a chill when she saw the porcelain inside.

  Because the porcelain in the room is basically all broken, as if someone deliberately smashed it.

  Lu Xiaoxiao casually rummaged through the door for a while, and seeing that nothing was intact, she directly gave up the room where the porcelain was placed.

  When she came to the last room, she saw that although the things inside were missing arms and legs, they could still be used after some repairs, so Lu Xiaoxiao went into the room to search.

  After searching for a while, she came across a dressing table with a mirror, but the mirror of the dressing table was gone, but this did not affect her liking for the dressing table.

  So she moved the dresser outside the house, and then walked towards the door of the waste station.

   "Why did you come out so soon? And you came out empty-handed. Don't you have the books and newspapers you need in the house?" The uncle saw Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards him empty-handed, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao shook her head when she heard the old man's words, and then said to the old man, "I've already found books and newspapers, but I just fell in love with a dressing table, and I want to ask the old man if I can change it."

   "What dressing table, take me to have a look."


  The uncle followed Lu Xiaoxiao to the door of the room where the furniture was placed, and saw the dressing table that Lu Xiaoxiao mentioned. He saw that the dressing table had nothing but a shelf.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "It's not impossible for you to want this dressing table, but this dressing table costs five yuan."

   "Can't it be cheaper? I don't have that much money with me."

   "Four yuan, at least four yuan, no matter how cheap it is."

"Thank you, uncle." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out four yuan and five yuan from her pocket and stuffed it into the uncle's hand, and then took out a handful of big white rabbit toffee from her pocket and stuffed it into the uncle's hand, asking the uncle to take it back to give The children in the family have sweet mouths.

The uncle saw Lu Xiaoxiao being so upbeat, he felt very comfortable in his heart, and seeing Lu Xiaoxiao was so pleasing to the eye, so he pointed to the cart in the yard and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "You can use the cart to do your makeup in a while. Taila goes home, and it’s fine to bring the cart back tomorrow.”

   "Thank you, sir."

   "You're welcome, I'll help you put the dresser on the cart."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao moved the dressing table to the cart with the help of the uncle, she thanked the uncle again, and then pushed the cart towards the waste station.

   A few minutes later, after Lu Xiaoxiao pushed the cart to an empty alley, she put the dressing table on the cart into the space, then pushed the cart out of the alley, and walked towards the scrap yard.

  (end of this chapter)

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