Chapter 2717 Dressing table

   "Why did you come back so soon?" The uncle asked Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards him pushing the cart.

   "Just now I met an acquaintance who happened to have a bicycle, so he helped me transport the dresser home by bicycle."

   "Then you are lucky, you just put the cart back to its original position."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she pushed the cart into the yard.

After she put the trolley back to its original position, she planned to leave directly, but when she turned around, she saw a small stack of books and newspapers piled up at the door where paper waste was placed, and she remembered that she forgot to put them away when she left. The books and newspapers she found were taken away, so she stepped forward to pick them up from the ground, and then walked towards the door of the waste station.

  After she came to the door of the scrap yard, she said to the old man who was sitting on a chair listening to the radio: "Master, these are the books and newspapers I was looking for earlier. How much do you want?"

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the uncle looked at the books and newspapers in Lu Xiaoxiao's hands, and saw that Lu Xiaoxiao only took a few books and newspapers, which was only about ten cents compared to what Lu Xiaoxiao gave him. The benefits are far less.

  So he waved his hand at Lu Xiaoxiao indifferently and said, "Just take the books and newspapers away, and use them as headfills."

   "Then thank you, uncle. Next time if there is still something missing in my house, I will come to find you again."

   "Okay, just come."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao got home, she checked the time and it was only past four o'clock, and it was still about an hour away from making dinner, so she went into the bathroom and took out the dressing table from the waste station.

   She is going to spend an hour cleaning the dresser and putting it in the room where she sleeps because there is no dresser in the room where she sleeps now.

  Although this dressing table does not have a mirror, she doesn't care. Anyway, she just wants to use the dressing table to put some skin care products and hair ties. Whether there is a mirror is not too important.

   An hour later, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw the dressing table cleaned by her, she nodded in satisfaction, then she put the dressing table into the space and walked upstairs to the room.

  After she came to the room, she looked around the layout of the room, and decided to put the dressing table on the left side of the bed, because that was the only place in the room that was vacant.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao decided on the location of the dressing table, she took the dressing table out of the space, and then moved the dressing table closer to the place where it was placed.

After she placed the dressing table, she wanted to step back to see the overall effect, but she didn't expect her clothes pocket to be hooked by the pull ring on the drawer of the dressing table, so she directly pulled the dresser's drawer when she stepped back. The drawer was pulled out and hit the floor hard.

  Looking at the smashed drawer, which was a little bit falling apart, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately squatted down in distress to pick up the drawer.

  When she picked up the drawer and put it on the dresser, she saw two cracks in the drawer.

  Just as she was about to stick the crack with super glue, she saw through the crack that the wooden board at the bottom of the drawer had interlayers, and there seemed to be something hidden in the interlayers.

   But because the crack was not very big, she couldn't see clearly what was hidden inside.

  After thinking about it for a while, she decided to store the dresser in the space. When she saw Zhang Xu next time, she would ask Zhang Xu to help her open the drawer and take out the things in the interlayer.

  As for why she didn't remove it herself, it was because she didn't want to destroy the dresser drawers.

  (end of this chapter)

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