Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2745: I skipped a level successfully

  Chapter 2745 Jumped successfully

   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finished writing the test paper. She handed the test paper to Zhang Xu and said, "I'm done."

   "Need to check?"

   "No need, I have confidence in myself."

   Zhang Xu didn't say anything after hearing what the little girl said, but reached out to take the test paper that the little girl handed him, and put it on Wang Zhaoguo's desk.

  Wang Zhaoguo couldn't help but twitched his eyelids when he looked at the test paper in front of him. He couldn't believe that Lu Xiaoxiao could finish the test paper in such a short period of time, unless Lu Xiaoxiao wrote it scribbled.

  So when the grades come out, should he let Lu Xiaoxiao skip a grade?

   "Principal Wang, is there something wrong with the test paper I made?" Lu Xiaoxiao saw Wang Zhaoguo staring at the test paper she wrote for a long time, but she didn't make a correction, so she asked Wang Zhaoguo.

   "No problem, I will correct it now." After Wang Zhaoguo finished speaking, he glanced at Zhang Xu, and then picked up a pen to correct the test paper.

  After more than ten minutes, Wang Zhaoguo finished grading all the test papers, and then he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with bright eyes. If it weren't for his rationality, he would have rushed to hug Lu Xiaoxiao at this moment.

  Seeing that Wang Zhaoguo had been staring at the little girl, Zhang Xu immediately walked up to the little girl, blocked Wang Zhaoguo's sight, and then looked at Wang Zhaoguo with warning eyes.

Wang Zhaoguo was startled by Zhang Xu's eyes, and he immediately looked away. In order to relieve the embarrassment, he coughed lightly and said, "Student Lu Xiaoxiao didn't get full marks in Chinese, and her other subjects were all good. Full marks, so classmate Lu Xiaoxiao can come to school to attend class at any time."

   "Thank you principal, but I have a request, I hope the principal can agree."

"any request?"

   "I plan to study at home and come to school to take the exam during the exam, but I can guarantee that my academic performance will not regress, and it will be the same as today's exam."

  Wang Zhaoguo didn't agree immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because he had never encountered such a situation since he became the principal, and he didn't know whether he should agree.

  Seeing that Wang Zhaoguo did not respond for a long time, Zhang Xu said to Wang Zhaoguo: "Principal Wang, since you are in a difficult situation, then we will not force it. I think the high schools in Harbin City will welcome my sister very much."

When Wang Zhaoguo heard Zhang Xu's words, he immediately exploded, because the principal of Harbin High School was not only his deadly rival, but also his rival in love, so he would never let Lu Xiaoxiao go to study in Harbin High School, otherwise that **** would definitely Take Lu Xiaoxiao to him to show off.

   "Comrade Zhang, I'm not embarrassed, I'm not embarrassed at all. I was just thinking about which class to put Lu Xiaoxiao in." Wang Zhaoguo explained to Zhang Xu with a smile.

  Zhang Xu didn't believe what Wang Zhaoguo said at all, but his ultimate goal was achieved, so he didn't bother to pay attention to what Wang Zhaoguo said.

   Instead, he said to Wang Zhaoguo: "Principal Wang, since you agree with my sister's request, please help me with the procedures for skipping grades."

   "No problem, I will go through the procedure for classmate Lu Xiaoxiao to skip a grade now." After Wang Zhaoguo finished speaking, he went to the office next door and called a teacher over, and then went through the procedure for Lu Xiaoxiao to skip a grade with that teacher.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the school, she looked at the few books Zhang Xu was holding and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I would go to high school, but it's a pity that I can't go to college now, otherwise I will be a college student in three years. "

  (end of this chapter)

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