Chapter 2746 Beef Noodles

   "Don't worry, you are still young, and you will have the opportunity to go to university in the future."

   "That's right, I can wait, let's go, I'll invite you to a state-run restaurant for dinner."

   "Can I go home and eat?"

   "Why do you want to go home and eat?"

   "I want to eat the beef noodles you cooked."

   "No problem, I'll go home and cook beef noodles for you now."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, she took out five catties of flour from the space, and asked Zhang Xu, "Will you make noodles?"


   "I'll leave the noodles to you. I'll go to the kitchen to get the beef sauce."


After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the kitchen, she saw a large piece of beef in the kitchen basin, which weighed about five catties, so she asked Zhang Xu, who was making noodles, "Zhang Xu, did you buy the beef in the basin?" Is it?"


   "Then I will use the beef you bought to make beef sauce."


More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao sauced the beef. When she came to the living room, she saw that the dining table was covered with rolled noodles, so she said to Zhang Xu, "Take out the bowl of beef noodles, and I'll cook the noodles right now." .”

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he took out a stack of bowls from his Qiankun bag.

  Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the bowl in Zhang Xu's hand, seeing that the bowl was washed and shiny, she nodded in satisfaction, and then used a dustpan to pack some noodles into the kitchen to cook.

   It was more than an hour after she cooked all the noodles. When she saw Zhang Xu put all the noodles she cooked into the Qiankun bag, the corner of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

   Then he asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, you put all the noodles in the Qiankun bag, what shall we have for lunch?"

   "Eating Hunan cuisine, I didn't touch the dishes last night, and put them all in the Qiankun bag."

   "Okay, then I will eat Hunan cuisine at noon, I will go upstairs to wash my face, and I will come down soon."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to the room, she raised her sleeve and smelled it, but she smelled the smell of beef stew, so she went directly into the space to take a shower, because she couldn't stand the smell of oily smoke on her body.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the space. After she tied her hair with a headband, she walked downstairs.

  Seeing the little girl coming downstairs, Zhang Xu took out the food from the space, helped the little girl put the food away, and said to the little girl, "Come and eat."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao waited for Zhang Xu to finish washing the dishes, then sat on the sofa and chatted with Zhang Xu. They didn't stop chatting until someone knocked on the courtyard door.

   "I'll open the door." Zhang Xu stood up and said to the little girl.

   "No, I'll open the door."

"go together."

   "Okay, I want to see who it is, so that Fourth Master can open the door for him in person."

   "Don't make trouble."

   "I know, I know, let's open the door quickly, and don't make the people outside the door wait in a hurry."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to the gate of the courtyard, she opened the gate of the courtyard, and saw Liu Biao and four of them standing at the gate of the courtyard together, so she asked the four of Liu Biao, "Why are you here?"

   "Tomorrow the steel factory exam, we want you to explain the exam content to us again."

   "No problem, come in." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned sideways to let Liu Biao and the others enter the room.

   After Liu Biao and the others entered the room, Zhang Xu asked the little girl softly, "Why did they ask you for the steel factory exam?"

   "Because I'm their boss, they naturally look for me."

  (end of this chapter)

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