Chapter 2747 I'm done

Zhang Xu's face darkened immediately after hearing the little girl's words. He never thought that the little girl began to accept younger brothers at a young age, but now is not the time to educate the little girl, so he had no choice but to hold back the anger in his heart and talk to the little girl. The girl walked towards the house together.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room, she asked Zhang Xu to go to the kitchen to pour a few glasses of water, and then sat across from Liu Biao and the others to explain the exam content to Liu Biao and the others.

  Seeing the serious look of the little girl, Zhang Xu swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and then went to the kitchen to pour water.

   More than an hour later, after Lu Xiaoxiao explained the content of the exam to Liu Biao and the others, she asked them, "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

"there is none left."

   "Then you guys will work hard tomorrow, I believe you will pass the recruitment test at the steel plant."

   "Borrowing Master Xiao's auspicious words, it's getting late now, so let's go back first."

   "Where are you going back? Are you going back to Tianshui Village at this time?"

   "We will not go back to Tianshui Village, we will stay at Brother Biao's house tonight."

   "That's good, you guys go back quickly, remember to go to bed early, or you won't be energetic tomorrow."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao sent Liu Biao and the others away, she was just about to ask Zhang Xu what to eat for dinner, when she saw Zhang Xu staring at her with a grim expression, which made her tremble involuntarily.

  But when she thought that she didn't do anything outrageous today, her aura immediately returned, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Why are you staring at me?"

   "What do you think?"

"how could I know?"

   "When did you accept them as younger brothers?"

   "Not long ago."

   "When was a while ago?"

   "Over two years ago."

   "Your time was really long."

   "'s okay, we won't talk about them anymore, what's for dinner?"

   "Don't change the subject, come here and explain the matter clearly, or you won't have dinner tonight."

   "If you don't eat, don't eat. I found that I'm not very hungry, but I'm a little sleepy now, so I went upstairs to sleep first." Lu Xiaoxiao turned around quickly after speaking, ready to run away.

It's a pity that she just took two steps when she found that someone was pulling her collar. She didn't need to look back to know who was pulling her collar. It seemed that she was doomed today, so she gave up resistance directly, and her whole body Lie down on the sofa.

When Zhang Xu saw the little girl like this, most of the anger in his heart dissipated immediately, but he still had to ask the things that should be asked, and he couldn't let the little girl go just because he lost his anger, otherwise he might not know what else this little girl would do event.

   "Sit down, I have something to ask you." Zhang Xu said to the little girl.

   "You ask, I can answer like this."

  After Zhang Xu heard what the little girl said, he didn't let the little girl sit up again, because he was afraid of making the little girl anxious, and nothing would come out by then. Rather than doing this, it's better to let the little girl just lie down.

   "Tell me why you accepted them as younger brothers?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl in a comfortable sitting position.

   "Why else, naturally let them do things for me. When I went to Tianshui Village in the countryside, many people didn't like me, so I accepted a few of them and asked them to do things for me."

   "How did you meet them?"

   "If you don't fight, you don't know each other."

After Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, he probably guessed the tricks, but he didn't intend to continue to ask. Since those people have been working with the little girl for more than two years and have not been driven away by the little girl, it proves their quality. The **** is okay, so there is no need for him to keep asking.

  (end of this chapter)

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