Chapter 2752 Misunderstood

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Liu Erdan scratched his ear in disbelief, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, is it true that the three of us can take the steel factory recruitment exam? "

   "Of course it's true. You didn't take part in the trouble this time, and with Zhang Xu's connections, as long as your test scores are not bad, you will be admitted to the steel factory."

   "Thank you, thank you so much, without you, the three of us would definitely miss the recruitment exam for the steel factory."

   "I accept your thanks. Three days later, nine o'clock in the morning is the time for the steel factory recruitment exam. Remember to arrive half an hour earlier."


   "It's almost noon now, you go to Liu Biao quickly, otherwise Liu Biao will die in a hurry."

  Liu Erdan and the three nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they quickly walked out of the house.

  After Liu Erdan and the others left, Lu Xiaoxiao took a sip of the water on the table, and then asked Zhang Xu who was sitting on the sofa wondering what he was thinking, "What do you want for lunch?"


   "Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..." Lu Xiaoxiao was taken aback by what Zhang Xu said, causing her to cough choking on the saliva successfully.

  Zhang Xu saw that the little girl was coughing and her face turned red. He quickly got up and walked to the little girl's side, and patted the little girl's back with his hands, trying to relieve the little girl's cough.

  After coughing for a while, Lu Xiaoxiao felt her throat feel better, so she drank all the water in her hand, and then looked at Xiang Xu and asked, "Say what you just said again."

   "I want to eat the Jajangmyeon you made."

   "What did you want to say just now?"

   "Well, otherwise you think what I said."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao was so embarrassed that she wanted to disappear in place. Unfortunately, her ideal is very happy, but the reality is very skinny. Even if she wanted to disappear in place again, it would be impossible.

  So she smiled awkwardly at Zhang Xu twice, and then quickly walked towards the kitchen.

   Zhang Xu narrowed his eyes when he saw the back of the little girl running away, and then he seemed to think of something, he couldn't help but let out a light sigh, then turned and walked upstairs.

  Although he is on vacation for a week, there are a lot of documents that need to be processed, so he must hurry up to process the files, so that he can spend more time with the little girl.

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard the commotion from the living room, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then hit her head with her hands in frustration. She was really crazy just now, and she would only speak when Zhang Xu hadn't finished speaking. I misunderstood Zhang Xu's words.

   Fortunately, Zhang Xu didn't notice her strangeness, otherwise she might not be able to face Zhang Xu.

   An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao cooked the fried noodles. Seeing that Zhang Xu hadn't gone downstairs, she put the fried noodles in the space, and then walked upstairs.

  When she came to the door of Zhang Xu's room, she saw that the door of Zhang Xu's room was open, so she reached out and knocked on the door.

  When Zhang Xu heard the knock on the door, he had almost finished processing the documents in his hand, so while processing the documents in his hand, he said to the little girl, "Wait for me for a few minutes, I will be ready soon."

   "Oh." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she found a place to sit down.

   A few minutes later, Zhang Xu finished processing the documents. When he saw the little girl sitting on the sofa opposite him, he said to the little girl, "I'm done, I can go to eat."


  (end of this chapter)

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