Chapter 2753 Car Love

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do in the afternoon, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, do you have anything to do this afternoon?"


   "Then let's go to the small world. Didn't you say last time that there is a formation in the small world? It just so happens that we have time recently. How about we go together and break the formation?"


   "Then let's set off now." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stood up and walked out of the house.

  Seeing that the little girl was in such a hurry, Zhang Xu quickly stretched out his hand to hold the little girl, and then said to the little girl, "Go and change into some light clothes before going out."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the clothes she was wearing, and saw that the clothes she was wearing were fluffy and really not suitable for going up the mountain, so she asked Zhang Xu to wait for her for a while, and then ran upstairs.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao changed her clothes and went downstairs. She saw that Zhang Xu had also changed into light clothes, so she went to Zhang Xu and pulled Zhang Xu out of the house.

  When they came to the yard, they looked at the only vehicle in the yard and frowned.

  Because the only means of transportation in that car is a customized model, and it is for women, so it is very light. If you are riding in the city, there is no problem, because the roads in the city are flat.

  But it is not possible to take people to the countryside by riding, because the road to the countryside is too rough, and this bicycle can't stand the bumps at all.

   "How about we go to Small World tomorrow?" Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu.

   "No, you ride and I walk."

   "How about that?"

   "There is nothing wrong with it. I usually run farther during training."

  Lu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly after hearing Zhang Xu's words, because she didn't want Zhang Xu to walk to the small world.

  But she has no way to solve the problem in front of her at the moment, so her complexion is getting worse and worse.

   Zhang Xu saw that the little girl's face was not in a bad mood, and he could probably guess the reason, so he said to the little girl, "Wait for me a while, I'll borrow a bicycle."

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Zhang Xu's words. Why did she forget the bicycles in her space? All the bicycles in her space are retro styles, although they are somewhat different from the current bicycles. But it's not obtrusive, and it's no problem to take it out and use it.

  So she took out a bicycle suitable for Zhang Xu from the space with a big wave of her hand.

   Zhang Xu stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the bicycle, and then he was pleasantly surprised, because he found that the bicycle in front of him was particularly in line with his taste.

  So he couldn't wait to get on the bicycle and ride around the yard. When he got off the bicycle, his love for bicycles became deeper.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu's series of behaviors and still didn't understand. It seems that men like cars no matter what era they are in.

   And the bicycle she took out happened to catch Zhang Xu's eyes. It seems that she will not be able to do it today if she doesn't give the bicycle to Zhang Xu.

  So she asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, do you like this bicycle?"


   "Then I will give you this bicycle, just as a gift in return for the bicycle you gave me."

   "No, your bicycle is too expensive, I can't accept it."

   "There is nothing I can't accept, because this bicycle is ridden by a man, and I can't ride it at all, so I might as well give it to you."

  (end of this chapter)

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