Chapter 2761 Tree of Life (1)

  Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu used their internal force to attack the tree trunk according to what they had discussed before, but no matter how they attacked, the tree trunk was not damaged at all. Instead, they were gasping for breath from exhaustion, so they had to stop attacking the tree trunk first.

   "Zhang Xu, do you think this tree has become a spirit, otherwise how could it resist the attack of the two of us." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu.

   "It's not possible to become a spirit, but there must be something wrong with this tree, and it may have something to do with the stone just now."

  After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao remembered what happened when she just got the stone, so she walked towards the big tree.

When she came to the tree trunk, she put her hand on the tree trunk, and the familiar scene happened again, so she quickly shouted to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, come quickly and pull me here, this tree is absorbing my internal energy .”

  After Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, he immediately flew towards the little girl. After a while, he came to the little girl's side, and then he stretched out his hand and pulled the little girl back forcefully.

  It's a pity that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't separate the little girl's hand from the tree, so he directly stuck his hand to the tree trunk, hoping to divert the tree trunk's attention and let the tree trunk absorb his internal strength.

But the final result disappointed him, because no matter how close his hands were to the trunk, the trunk would not absorb his internal force, even if he hugged the trunk whole, the trunk would not absorb his internal force, so he had no choice but to continue pulling. little girl.

When Zhang Xu pulled her for the fifty-second time, Lu Xiaoxiao shook her painful shoulder and said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, don't pull her anymore, my inner strength has already been sucked away by three points." It's two, and it should let me go after the rest is sucked away."

   "No, I can't let it absorb your internal energy anymore, otherwise you will hurt your body due to the exhaustion of internal energy."

   "No, my physique is different from others, so don't worry."

  After hearing the little girl's words, Zhang Xu not only didn't feel at ease, but instead used his internal force to attack the trunk. He didn't believe that the tree could not be beaten.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao noticed that the inside of her body was completely absorbed by the tree trunk, so she tried to separate her hands from the tree trunk.

But no matter how much she moved her hand, she couldn't separate from the tree trunk. Angrily, she cursed at the tree trunk, "Don't go too far, you've already sucked all my internal energy away. If you don't let go of my hand, I won't let go!" Just set you on fire."

Tree of Life trembled involuntarily when it heard Lu Xiaoxiao's threatening words. It had just awakened by relying on Lu Xiaoxiao's internal strength, but before it came to stretch its body, it was threatened by its future master. Why not be afraid.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that after she threatened the trunk, the branches and leaves of the tree trembled. She had a bold guess in her heart, so she threatened the trunk again: "I'll count to three, if you don't let go of my hand, I'll just set you on fire."

   "Don't burn me, don't burn me, master, don't burn me."

   "Who are you? Come out quickly, don't play tricks on me, it's useless to me."

   "Master, I am right in front of you, and I am not pretending to be a ghost."

   "You said you were a broken tree that sucked my energy?"

   "Master, I can explain this, you must not burn me with fire."

   "Oh, is that so, then you and I should explain to me why you want to absorb my internal energy." Lu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth.

  (end of this chapter)

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