Chapter 2762 Tree of Life (2)

  After hearing what the future master gritted his teeth, the tree of life shook its branches again in fright, but it knew in its heart that if it didn't make things clear to the future master today, the future master would certainly burn it with fire.

  So it stammered and said: "Master, it's actually not me that absorbs your internal energy, but that little stone in my body."

   "You mean that little stone that flew into your body not long ago?"

   "That's right, it absorbs the master's internal energy, so master, if you want to settle accounts, you must look for it."

   "Oh, what you said makes sense. I really should look for it to settle accounts, but it has now become a part of your body, so seeking accounts with it is the same as seeking accounts with you, because you are now one."

  The Tree of Life almost cried without feeling wronged when it heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. If it could, it really wanted to kick out the little stone that occupied its body.

  But the little stone is too powerful, no matter how it kicks, the little stone just stays in its body, it's really maddening.

   "What? Are you out of words?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked when she saw that there was no movement from the tree trunk for a long time.

   "No, no, I'm thinking about how to compensate the master so that the master doesn't have to burn me."

   "You really want to make it up to me?"

"Yes Master."

   "Then you give me back your internal strength."

"this and that…."

   "What? Don't you want to make it up to me? It's only been a while before you regret it."

   "No, no, I have no regrets. I just want to use another thing to compensate the master, because the master's internal energy was sucked away by the small stone, and there is no way to return it to the master."

   "What's the other thing you're talking about?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

The tree of life saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was interested in the compensation it proposed, and its heart was excited immediately, so it said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master, close your eyes, and soon you will know what it is. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while after hearing what the tree of life said, and she closed her eyes. As for the tree of life, she dared not do anything to hurt her, so she had nothing to worry about.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, the tree of life said to the little stone occupying its body: "If you still want to stay in my body and let me cover for you, you can cooperate with me to deliver to the master. Spiritual power, otherwise both of us will be finished."

  Little Stone trembled reluctantly when he heard the words of the Tree of Life, and then slowly released his spiritual power.

  When the tree of life saw that the little stone listened to what it said, it immediately felt relieved, so it wrapped the spiritual power released by the little stone with the power of life, and then sent it to Lu Xiaoxiao's body.

When Lu Xiaoxiao's spiritual power entered her body, her body trembled comfortably, and then she speeded up the speed of absorbing the spiritual power, until there was no spiritual power for her to absorb, she just smashed it. Lower your mouth.

  The tree of life saw that the expression on Lu Xiaoxiao's face had changed much better than before, so it boldly asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master, you are not angry with me now."

   "Let's discuss this issue later, tell me now what you sent me just now?"

   "What I just sent to the master was spiritual power, and it was spiritual power wrapped in the power of life."

   "What kind of spiritual power are you talking about? It shouldn't be the kind of spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals."

  (end of this chapter)

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