Chapter 2763 Spiritual Essence

"How can the spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals compare to the spiritual power I conveyed to the master? The spiritual power I conveyed to the master is the spiritual power released by the spirit essence, and it also wraps my life force. Compared with the spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals The spiritual power mixed with many impurities is thousands of times better, no, the spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals is simply not comparable to the spiritual power I sent to the master."

  After listening to Shugan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her world view had been shattered. She thought she could practice ancient martial arts, which was already against the sky. She didn't expect that there would be immortals in this world. She didn't know what to say.

   "Master, have you forgive me and the spirit?" Tree of Life asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Spirit of the spirit? What spirit of the spirit? Do you still have something to hide from me?"

   "No, no, the master misheard just now. I didn't say the spirit essence, so the master must have misheard."

"It seems that you are still dishonest. I hate people with two hearts to stay by my side the most, so I just set you on fire, lest you betray me someday." He took out a lighter from inside, and clicked the lighter to fire.

  The tree of life saw the small flame flickering in Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and its branches trembled in fright. If it had been in the world of cultivating immortals before, it would never be afraid of this kind of fire.

  But it is not in the world of cultivating immortals now, and it has just awakened, so even the ordinary fire in Lu Xiaoxiao's hand can hurt it, who made them afraid of fire by nature.

Seeing that the tree trunk was frightened by the fire from the lighter in her hand, Lu Xiaoxiao knew the weakness of this stupid tree, so she said to the tree trunk: "I'll give you one last chance, if you don't tell me this time To tell you the truth, I'll just burn you with a fire, so as to save you from endangering the world."

   "Master, I am very good. I will definitely not do something that endangers the world. It will cause evil."

   "Oh, I'm not afraid of evil, so I will kill you directly."

   "Don't, don't, I'll tell the master what the spirit essence is." Tree of Life said fearfully after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

The spirit spirit rooted in the tree of life heard that the tree of life wanted to give it out, it jumped up and down in the body of the tree of life angrily, but the tree of life ignored it at all, and it went back to Stay in the original place.

The tree of life saw that the spirit spirit living in its body was quiet, and it couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the spirit spirit is in a weak stage like it, otherwise, even if it is not burned to death by Lu Xiaoxiao, it will The spiritual power released by the spirit spirit was exhausted.

   "What's the matter? Do you want to go back on your word?" Seeing that the Tree of Life suddenly fell silent, Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

   "I have no regrets, I was just thinking about how to explain the essence of the spirit to the master."

   "Have you thought about it yet?"

   "Thought it out."

   "Speak, I'm listening."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the tree of life glanced at the spirit spirit living in its body, and then said: "The spirit spirit is a stone that has absorbed thousands of spiritual powers, because it has absorbed too much spiritual power. , turned into a stone that can release spiritual power, so everyone called it the spirit of the spirit."

   "You mean that the stone that flew into your body just now is the spirit essence? It is also the spirit essence that absorbed my internal energy?"

"Yes Master."

   "You call out the spirit spirit, I want to have a good talk with it."

   Thank you five cuties, Huan M, Jing Jie, Old Urchin, Super Cutie, and Snow in the Sun, for your rewards. I love you, and I love you.



  (end of this chapter)

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