Chapter 2777 Receive supply

  As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao quit her practice, she heard a knock on the door, so she glanced at Zhang Xu, quickly put the tree of life into the space, and then went to the yard to open the door.

   "Second sister, why are you here? How is your aunt's affairs going?" Lu Xiaoxiao opened the yard door and saw Liu Ermei standing at the gate of the yard, so she asked Liu Ermei.

   "My aunt's matter has been settled, and that woman compensated my aunt three hundred yuan."

"That's good."

   "I'm here to pay you back." After Liu Ermei finished speaking, she took out 150 yuan from her pocket and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the money from Second Sister Liu, she stuffed it into her pocket without counting, and then asked Second Sister Liu, "Have you had lunch yet?"

   "I've already eaten, I'm going back to the hospital now, and I'm going back to the village with my grandfather and the others in a while."

   "Then go to the hospital quickly, and come to my house to play when you have time."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left, she closed the gate of the yard and went back into the house.

  After the little girl entered the house, Zhang Xu raised the food book in his hand, and then asked the little girl, "Have you not gone to collect supplies for several months?"

   "Yeah, since I went to Beijing, I haven't gone to pick up the supply. It's been almost three months."

   "Then let's go and get the supply back now. Although we don't lack that little thing, we should get back what should be ours, otherwise it will be cheaper for others in the end."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao nodded in agreement, then went upstairs to change her clothes, and went out with Zhang Xu towards the street office.

  When they came to the sub-district office, they saw that Fontaine was alone in the office, so they walked up to Fontaine and said, "Comrade, we are here to collect supplies."

   "Bring me the food book and show me."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he handed the food book in his hand to Fang Dan.

Fang Dan reached out to take the food book that Zhang Xu handed her and looked at it. Seeing that Zhang Xu hadn't come to pick up the supplies for the past two months, she said to Zhang Xu, "Because your first two supplies were late, they can't be distributed to you. So you can only get this month's supply."

Zhang Xu was not at all surprised when he heard Fang Dan's words, because he had expected this situation a long time ago, but he would not let the things belonging to the little girl just disappear, so he took out his work card from his pocket and opened it for Fang Dan to see .

When Fang Dan saw the work card in Zhang Xu's hand, her eyes widened in surprise, and then she immediately stood up enthusiastically and said to Zhang Xu: "Comrade, I didn't know your identity before, so I just said that the supply for the first two months You can't get it, but now that I know your identity, I'll give you supplies right away."

   Zhang Xu nodded when he heard Fang Dan's words, and then he took the little girl and walked out of the office.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao came outside the office, she asked Zhang Xu curiously: "Zhang Xu, what did you show Fang Dan just now, which made her attitude towards you change a hundred and eighty degrees."

   "Nothing, just my work permit."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao cast envious eyes on Zhang Xu. She knew before that Zhang Xu's work permit could bring a lot of convenience, but she didn't expect that even the matter of receiving supplies would come in handy. How could she not be envious.

  (end of this chapter)

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