Chapter 2778 is despised

   Zhang Xu naturally didn't miss the little girl looking at him, but he didn't say anything, because his work card looked very shiny and useful.

  But behind his work permit, there are too many dangers and hardships hidden, which he doesn't want the little girl to know, so he naturally talks as little as he can at the moment, after all, he says more and makes more mistakes.

   "Comrade, I've already arranged your supplies for you." Fang Dan walked to Zhang Xu and handed the food book and a small stack of tickets to Zhang Xu.

   After Zhang Xu took the things Fang Dan handed him, he said thank you to Fang Dan, and then took the little girl to the street office.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the street office, she asked Zhang Xu, "Where are we going now?"

   "Go to the supply and marketing cooperative. We will leave for Yun Province in a few days, so we have to use up the tickets we got today, otherwise these visas will expire when we come back."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that what Zhang Xu said made sense, so she followed Zhang Xu towards the supply and marketing agency, thinking about what to buy for a while.

  But before she could figure out what to buy, she came to the supply and marketing cooperative, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, what should we buy?"

"have no idea."

   "Then let's buy according to the ticket, and buy whatever ticket we have."


   "Then I'll go shopping, and you go get food."


  After Zhang Xu went to pick up the food, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the ticket in her hand and knew what she wanted to buy, so she walked towards the counter.

  When she came to the counter, she handed all the tickets in her hand to the salesperson and said, "Comrade, give me the things according to the tickets."

  The salesperson took a look at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then took the ticket from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand to look at.

  When she saw the tickets, she cast an envious look at Lu Xiaoxiao. Tickets are so scarce now, she never thought that Lu Xiaoxiao could take out so much at once, so why not make people envious.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the salesperson stood there in a daze after reading the ticket she gave, she thought there was something wrong with her ticket, so she asked the salesperson: "Comrade, is there something wrong with my ticket? "

   "No, I'll help you get things right now." After finishing speaking, the salesperson turned around to help Lu Xiaoxiao get things.

  But before she could turn around, she was stopped by someone, so she had no choice but to ask the person who stopped her, "Comrade, what do you want me to do?"

   "I want to buy a box of cream, please get it for me."

   "Comrade, I'm afraid you need to wait a moment, because I have to help that comrade get things first."

   "That comrade? Who is it? Are the things she buys more expensive than mine?"


   "Hehe... You're not kidding me, are you?"

   "I'm not joking with you, that comrade wants to buy a lot of things, and the stack of tickets in my hand belongs to that comrade."

  After hearing what the salesperson said, Zhang Hongying finally looked at the person the salesperson said, so she followed the salesperson's line of sight and looked at the people beside her.

  When she saw Lu Xiaoxiao, a flash of disdain immediately flashed in her eyes, because the clothes Lu Xiaoxiao was wearing were too shabby, and she didn't look rich at first glance, so she naturally looked down on Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Hongying when Zhang Hongying looked at her, so naturally she didn't miss the contempt in Zhang Hongying's eyes, so she looked at the clothes she was wearing.

  (end of this chapter)

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